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Thread: An email i got from a TF concerned.

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  1. #1

    An email i got from a TF concerned.

    Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
    Twin Falls citizen ( on June 30th, 2002

    * realname: Twin Falls citizen

    * email:

    * phone: 777-7777

    * comments: To all the base jumping community, for those of us who are not in your "click" we want you to now that for being so called cool adventure seekers that just want to have fun you seem to be an unforgiving bunch who hate my people in this community. Every year you come down to our parks that we pay for and take care of with our taxes , and you trash it and trash our community. we welcome you with open arms and you welcome us with the finger and act like you have something that makes you better than our small town community. We don’t appreciate how you treat us. when you leave you leave trash and bad attitudes. we cant even come to picnic with our families and enjoy the beautiful park we have without you giving us a nasty look and un-needed comments. we do not believe all of you are like this many of you are nice people and we enjoy seeing you down there. what you do now at the beginning of this high adventure revelation determines your future in “our” community. Those so called bad seeds in your group Have started a tidal wave and its growing with each jump you take. We have many friends who wish you out. I merely wish that you will respect us and we will respect you.

    A concerned member of twin falls community

    * Submit: Submit BASE Feedback

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  2. #2

    RE: An email i got from a TF concer

    We do need to respond to this person and not "pile on." I sent the following email this morning and will post what I discover.

    July 1, 2002

    Dear Respect,

    I was shocked and saddened by the feelings you have developed regarding the presence of BASE jumpers in your community. Many of us pay special attention to developing and maintaining good relationships with the community every time we visit. The group I jump with includes about 60 people and I have been able to observe their behavior for the past three years. I'm certain these people are not the ones offending you. Our only controversy was a brief involvement in a tug-of-war between competing river guides for our business - but that seems to have passed.

    Twin Falls is a wonderful place, and the park is big enough for everyone. I'd like to talk with you to learn more about your concerns. In return, I offer you my concern, and a promise to act on your behalf. Everyone I know is very concerned about our relationship with the Twin Falls community. But, I apparently have not seen the same behaviors as you. If you’ll call or write, I’ll act from within the BASE community to make your voice heard and explain to BASE jumpers what needs to change.

    Your original letter is appreciated.
    Thanks for taking the time to write us.

  3. #3

    RE: An email i got from a TF concer

    I want to thank you for replying to my message so fast and promptly. it is a re-assuring thing to find out how concerned you are about this. I have printed of your reply and will show it to my friends I think maybe it will help them understand that you are trying. maybe this tug a war thing you talked about was what caused a few bad attitudes. every one has bad days I understand. the way I see it is that if you notice this small problem before it gets big then we wont have it anymore. I just wanted you to know that I was concerned because admittedly you bring in a lot of visitors to our community and we appreciate that. we just want a little respect in our parks. I am not saying push your stuff as far to the side as possible and hide in a corner. maybe we could designate an area for packing purposes only. it is a big park and can be shared. lets not look at it as mine our there’s, lets look at it as ours. We offer the park to everyone and will continue to do so .

    concerned twin falls citizen

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