Ok so the other night I had my first 180 off my local A. The winds were humming a bit faster at 500' than I would have liked but parting the guywires nicely. I was feeling relaxed and confident so I decided to go. I felt stable on exit and threw, to open to three quarters of a line twist. At this point I'm pretty sure I remember looking down the left set of wires and looking up to see risers crossing each other. By the time I spread them out and squared up with my canopy, I was facing almost directly at the steel. I went for both rear risers enough to stall and back up a bit with the help of the winds. I popped the toggles and turned the canopy around to do a downwinder which I rolled out. The landing area is very large and flat and forgiving = many outs.
Now I have been going through the archives looking for 180's and such. I've come across a few posts and replies integrating high winds as a possible cause for 180's. They stated that a canopy could catch air on one side and spin to cause an offheading. Some also determined a canopy is by nature wind-hungry (for lack of a better term) and will maneuver it's nose to seek wind. I'm kinda up in the air as to what to think. I think a canopy is already getting a lot of wind at line strech and wouldn't be effected by higher lateral winds, provided they aren't hurricane force.
I feel I had a good pack job, tailgate properly installed, solid exit, good position after throw, etc... I understand s**t happens even when you make every attempt to prevent it, but I'd like to hear some thoughts on higher winds and offheadings. Are they linked together?
Never the less, that's the last time this fat little irishman will be jumping in those winds again. Next time I'll head out to the bar instead.
Careful out there!