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Thread: opening times

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  1. #1

    opening times

    Ok, say I weigh 180 pounds. I jump a 7 cell 230 canopy, 42' pilot chute, and no slider. On a hop and pop from a hot air balloon, how many feet would I eat up?

  2. #2

    RE: opening times

    if the d-bag is off, and you throw at 2 sec you'll open in less than 2 sec after throwing, hard and short, (youll need a 9 ft bridle or this is even more dangerous)(I assume your jumping a skydiving canopy in a skydiving rig for this (not a great idea) so youd burn prob around 200 ft. If this is not a base rig and set up and you are not versed in subterminal, contact br or cr for more info. Regardless, youll want to exit at 500 ft or higher, until you provide more info...

  3. #3

    RE: opening times

    never mind the above, thatll get you killed, i thought u were a troll basejumper fu(king around, and im thinking through a third of tequila last night. No experienced base jumper with base gear would ask that question. Your a skydiver with skydiving gear who like numerous dead skydivers got it into their head to do something really cool like hooking it in. What I wrote assumes you have a half base half skydive set-up typical of bridge day 900 ft. You need to not do this. After 200 feet youll start to scream, not open. My apologies, next time i party the computers gonna be unplugged for 2 days after...sorry. Post all of your information; are you a base jumper, what container are you jumping, which canopy, what level experience and so on. Skydiving canopies are not base canopies, the pitch of the trim is different, and on and on, and skydiving rig set ups are designed for terminal, at low speeds you are talking container lock, bag log, mega line twists, line overs, and so on. Also, no balloon pilot will allow you to exit any lower than the drop zone, if you do so youll die and whats left of you will be asked to leave permanently. Thank you for your interest in base, please pursue this interest with Base rig, base canopy, base bridle and pilot chute, all appropriately rated, configured and packed for the specific variables of the given jump under the specific guidance of an experienced base jumper or base school. again, ignore my first foggy half asleep post with my apologies. My ashes will explain myself to mick. Mick erase that first post, fuuuuuuuuuuuu.....

  4. #4

    RE: opening times

    I'm talking about taking my wifes hot air balloon up and jumping at 2000 ft not 500. I want to eventually try BASE but when I do, its going to be at bridge day. Now what if instead of using a pilot chute, I use a static line? a 210 pound with gear skydiver jumping a 230 7 cell, no slider. If jumping at 2000 feet, what would be an approx. altitude I would be at when my sequence is complete?

  5. #5

    RE: opening times

    ok. though id be curious as to why youd want to do this, ok. If youre willing to take full responsibility for your actions, cool. That reserve is what makes this possible. At 2000 feet you can play with finding many of your own answers, with a number of reserve repacks. Since you dont ask about the static line set up i wont cover it. Generally, no slider static line out of a skydiving rig with a skydiving rig will be so open in 100 feet. A complete base rig would be open in 50 to 70 easy. I assume you can handle the rigging and continuity in removing your slider. But are you aware of the Line release mod to clear lineovers? Are you aware that some skydiving rigs will fight a base static line set up resisting bag extraction through the container flaps? Again, low speed deployment, pilot chute in tow until wind speed is easily 5 seconds deep. If your container blows your break cord or static line system and your pilot chute is removed than youve got a reserve ride. The canopy will never get out. More resistance and time is lost with the d-bag and more with the stows. Again all of which is designed for terminal. Once the parachute is free from the container and bag then you are talking instant opening. If the d-bag, container, line stows, and pack job (do you know how to pack a canopy for slider off, nose exposed?) slows deployment for more than 3 seconds the opening is not only going to hurt, it can easily damage your neck or spine. Slider off means instant opening on the free canopy.Do you see what im getting at? Slider off means the parachute must clear all stays, stows, packing, and container in 3 seconds or less. A full 3 second delay opening is nasty sharp. 40 miles an hour to 0 in 1/2 second. If it takes more time than that your reserve better have an aad because you wont be in any condition to open it. Vector containers (old style) usually dont put too much fight. Remove the d-bag. If you havent got a tailpocket sewn on the canopy to stow the lines, then your choice is carefully s fold the lines into the bottom of the container away from the reserve (which will also interfere with deployment) then carefully s fold the canopy on top of the lines, make sure the bridle is clear and on top. Id have that 9 foot bridle if i were you, to clear your low airspeed burble. This system will open in much less than a 100 feet survivably. If it snags snarls spins or streamers, then chop it immediately, keeping in mind that more than 3 seconds thing. If I were you I'd consider mesh slider as a safety net. Again a call to a base manufacturer with info on what container and canopy type (which youve not mentioned) to get information on configuring this bridge day style would be beneficial if not down right life saving. These are all suggestions only. You hopefully can see that there are things that you might not have forseen that are potentially fatal. Lastly, I'll simply answer your question. Go to and click on Rock Drop. I think that might be under another icon "tools", but this chart is excellent in terms of for a given number of seconds a) how far in feet will you fall, and b) how fast you will be going at that time. Since only you know your canopy type, container type and set up, and static line system, think about the above. Make sure your static line system can and will 100 percent extract your canopy clear of bag, rig, pack job and all to line stretch and opening in less than 3 seconds. Otherwise put a mesh slider on. Be careful. enjoy. ps if you use a pilot chute instead now the pilot chute must 100 percent manage all of the above. see?

  6. #6

    RE: opening times

    Hi KC:

    My advice is to either use BASE gear, or fire the reserve. If you are only comfortable with skydiving gear, I think you'd be better off using the reserve.

    If you use a "Bridge Day" style setup (skydiving rig, 9' bridle, 42" PC, freepack, no slider) and go hand held, you ought to be in the saddle by 1500' at the lowest. If you're not, cut away and fire that reserve quick.

    Really, though, if you want to practice a dead air exit, and you are only comfortable with skydiving gear, why not just take the balloon to 3000' and make it a skydive all the way around? That way, you get to practice the dead air exit, but you still use gear that you are comfortable with, and have a chance to get stable if you go head down on exit.

    --Tom Aiello

  7. #7

    RE: opening times

    On this one, the possibilities of exceeding 3 sec before opening are too great to go slider-off. I'd tend to agree with Tom.

    Go higher and open at a speed skydiving equipment is designed for. Besides, it will be more fun to accelerate all the way to terminal. And you'll be far better off if you go unstable on exit. With skydiving, altitude is your friend. You know this.

  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: opening times

    Nobody's really said anything about the balloon... I know there are some special things the pilot has to do in order to make jumping from the balloon safe. I don't really know enough to give advise there, but if you haven't already done so, check into it.


  9. #9

    RE: opening times

    You can always do one or two sub-terminal "practice touches" on the way down. If you were stable, be happy with your performance and enjoy the rest of the ride. If you tried a sincere practice touch and were unstable, be happy with all of the altitude that you have given yourself and take notes.

    On the technical side, I must agree that it is better to use skydiving gear at appropriate speeds. If you want a fast, safe and predictable opening, you have no option but to use true base equipment.

    I love baloons. Bloody loud burners though.

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