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Thread: Pilot chute etc...

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  1. #1

    Pilot chute etc...

    I'm not comonly on this forum but I had to say this:
    I had a great surprise when I saw the new pilot chute from CR. They are advertising a product Stephane Zunino and I have been builting and jumping for about a Year and a Half saying this is theyr invention!!!
    I'm just a skydiver, really interested into what can be improved in rigs etc... I've had some inventions out like the french wing suit the snekor (base harness), the lalande pilote chute etc... but unfortunatly I'm not a goob businees man and don't have the time for this(I've been on top world podiums for 5 years + crosswind etc...).
    We got stolen the design from parasport. We sold it but never got paid!!!
    And now the pilot chute comes.
    I'm not asking for any money or something like that, just a little bit of respect!!!
    I've shown this pilot chute and harness in Eloy at the world meet and I'm sure people can testemony on this. I'm not a lyer.
    Anyway this is a good design and improves slider up openings a lot. I hope this will benefit the more people.
    ENjoy this great sport that is base jumping and skydiving.

  2. #2

    RE: Pilot chute etc...

    Loïc , Can you please e-mail me at

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    Thank You
    Mick Knutson :D
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  3. #3

    RE: Pilot chute etc...


    If you're looking for respect, this is definitely the wrong venue and the wrong crowd.

    But thanks for setting the record straight, and congratulations on your suit, on your pilot chute, and for all your spectacular accomplishmentsso far, most of which are known only to God and your close friends and not the strutting popinjays and punks whose fractured logic and juvenile prose infests this periodically very valuable forum.

  4. #4

    RE: Pilot chute etc...

    They are
    >advertising a product Stephane Zunino
    >and I have been builting and jumping
    >for about a Year and a Half saying
    >this is theyr invention!!!

    Hello Loic,
    I feel compelled to answer your post because we are not claiming to have invented the vented pilot chute. We are only claiming to have tested, refined and made it available.

    I was not inspired by your pilot chute but rather Tandem and payload drouge chutes. Parachutes and drouge chutes have been available with all sorts of venting and stabilization features for over 60 years. In fact, when we set out to design a more stable pilot chute I used alternative profiles with NO venting. However, these would have cost the buyer about $200 each, so we then tested different types of pilot chutes using vents that would be cheaper to manufacture.

    I know how you feel about ideas being taken. It has happened to me many times and I watch many in our industry copy other people's work rather than apply themselves to the task.

    I commend you on having the insight to build and test such a pilot chute of your own, but I assure you ours was not a copy but rather our solution to the problem of unstable pilot chutes.

    Blue Ones!

    Adam Filippino
    Consolidated Rigging

  5. #5

    RE: Pilot chute etc...

    Thank you for this unswer Adam,
    I agree with you saying this is not really an invention and just using what's been done before. This is the reason why I called it Lalande. He is a french astronom who told Garnerin to ditch a hole on top of his canopy to stabalise it when he saw Garnerin's first jump century ago...
    I confirm this is a good design as we've been jumping it slider up for about 200 jumps and it reduces 180's for more than half... And no twist yet.
    Contact me personally if you want to discuss stuffs like that.

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