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Thread: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

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  1. #1

    BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    Who do people think would fit in the top 5 or 10 BASE jumpers in the following categories:

    1 - BASE aerobatics
    2 - Wing Suit Flying
    3 - Video / Camera Skills
    4 - Stunts / Pioneering (controlled, not stupid)
    5 - Personality / All Round / History

    For the first person, WHY?

  2. #2

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-01 AT 06:33 PM (PST)[/font][p]>1 - BASE aerobatics

    The Little Aussie (Duh!)

    >2 - Wing Suit Flying

    That crazy Russian chap who lives in the States.

    >3 - Video / Camera Skills

    >4 - Stunts / Pioneering (controlled, not stupid)

    Carl Boenish (How's that for pioneering? )

    >5 - Personality / All Round / History

    I'm not sure about the rest. I think I'd put Slim in there somewhere, and The Little Aussie would probably make my list in multiple categories.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    Off the top of my head - these are my nominations..(obviously I've not been to Europe yet)

    >3 - Video / Camera Skills

    Dennis McGlynn, Tom Begic, Todd Shoebothom

    >4 - Stunts / Pioneering (controlled, not stupid)

    Moe Viletto, Dennis McGlynn, Marty Tilly, Will Oxx, Dave Barlia, Matt McCarter, B.J.Worth

    >5 - Personality / All Round / History

    Todd Shoebothom, Adam Filipino, Marty Tilly, Donna Reid,Bryan Stokes, Henry Boger, Andrea (my brilliant Italian friend), Roland Simpson

  4. #4

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    sue, your world is VERY small. And give Dwain (and Tom Aeillo) a break and keep your personal vendettas and retaliation to yourself.

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    Dude, what's your problem? Sue posted a list of the people who she thinks belong in some of the categories. Where do you see vendettas or retaliation there?


  6. #6

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    It's all in the subtleties and innuendo my friend. Those who understand, understand.

  7. #7

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    So, you don't think Marty or Donna are nice all-around people, or that Moe Villetto has done any outstanding stunts? Maybe I don't understand.

  8. #8

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    I wonder if you could elaborate on what it means to be a typical American?

  9. #9

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    Love you too Nik.:D

    Sorry, you won't get me to play.

  10. #10

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    or is it Jim? Love you too. :7

    Unrequited love sucks.

  11. #11

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    just a few names who come to mind that have not been mentioned,
    Phil Smith, the Harrison brothers Rick and Randy, Mark Hewitt, Rick Payne, Rich Stein, Mike Allen, Allen Heatheington, John Hoover, JD walker

    without these guys and what they did and gave there would be no BASE Jumping as we know it today. these are just the few that came to mind right off. let us not forget where we really came from.

  12. #12

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    I think a more interesting Hall of Fame might be the top 10 jumps of all time.

    I'd nominate:

    A double gainer thrown from under 180 ft by some long haired pretty boy from Oz.

    Out tracking the talus at Smellvegan, also by an Aussie.

    Anyone got any others?

    --Tom Aiello

  13. #13

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    Geez Tom! :9 Can you see anything up there in Dwain's ass? There ARE other people doing aerials, and other people doing remarkable jumps. We KNOW about the Aussie. Give us numbers 2 thru 10 in these categories. He's old news.

  14. #14

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    The Smellvegen jump was a different Aussie.

    I think he's pretty new news to most of us.

  15. #15

    RE: BASE Jumping Hall of Fame

    I think he's pretty too !

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