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Thread: Boat rides at Perrine

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  1. #1

    Boat rides at Perrine

    Boat ride prices have been upped from $5 to $7 this year! :o(No matter how many rides are made)

    Sorry, I would like to continue to support Don's enterprise but not for that much. I'll bring my own boat, or make the 20 min hike out to the park, or the 20 min climb to the top beside the bridge.

    Geez, for $3 more, I can get a King Air ride to 13,500' in Arizona on the weekend.

    Don, don't get greedy. You're seeing exponentially more BASE jumps and subsequently more boat rides out each year.

    I like to support local business, as I really appreciate making legal jumps there, but not at any cost!

  2. #2

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    The price still seems well worth it to me.

  3. #3

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    What are Burt and Don's phone numbers?

    Thank You

    Mick Knutson :D
    [|BLiNC Magazine]

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  4. #4

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    You can reach Bert at Canyon Tours & Fishing (208) 734-4228 I think. $7 seam a little steep. I know some on the other locals we met have expressed interest in providing boat services at $5.

  5. #5

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Nice guy or not, it's a killing he is making and ya, who wouldn't stick up for the jumpers at those rates. $28 to $70 for one boat load and $2.00 maybe for gas per load. He said last time..."well gas prices went up". So it took and extra $14 in gas for one ride?

  6. #6

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    The $5 seemed reasonable, but at $7 it is getting close to airplane altitude. I know over labor day weekend somthing like 500 jumps were made earning the shuttle $2500.00 for the weekend. I am a capitalist too, but a competitive one. If there are more than enough shuttle boats the price should decline or stay the same, and if one person has a monopoly the price will go up.

    The service provided was good and I suspect others will be interested in providing it as the demand grows. In most businesses competition usually results in lowers costs and better service for the consumer.

  7. #7

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Hi Tree,

    Donk here... I couldn't resist a comment regarding the 30% raise you mention. :D If we are going to blame some for the 30% increase I think it should be OPEC who decided to raise gas prices almost 70%. This just another residual effect of big business screwing the little man. Let’s write our congressmen. I do not think they realized how it was going impact the BASE community. ;-)



  8. #8

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    I was just there last weekend and had to hike out the first day because we did not give Don enough notice... I would have gladly paid $7.00 after the second climb out. Also, I believe it was Don we spoke to on the second day and I am pretty sure he will make a deal with you. We negotiated for a flat fee per ride since there were only three of us. I think it was like $25.00 per trip. Maybe he’ll do the same rate for 4-5 people, especially if it is an off weekend and he can be guaranteed several trips. Can’t hurt to ask anyway.

    If you do not want to pay the money then use the "Boy Scout" trail, which comes out in Centennial Park and is an easy 15-minute hike. You can usually bum a ride back to the top or plan on having ground crew to pick you up.

    This was my first trip there and everyone we dealt with was great and treated us like celebrities. I do not have a problem forking over a few bucks (with in reason) to a local economy that is so friendly to BASE people but even if you decide to use the boat, hike out at least once to soak in the surroundings...

    Donk out

  9. #9

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Hey mate check your math.$25 for 3 people is more than $7 per person and definitely more than $5 per person.I agree with Tree.Capitalism works best with competition.
    By the way what happened to you guys last Sunday at Tombstone.We jumped all morning and early afternoon.Ya really missed it,shoulda been there.

  10. #10

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Yes that is correct sir, but I was insinuating that Don might swing a $25.00 per ride for 4-5 people on an off weekend.

    Sorry we missed you Sunday morning. Next trip I am running with you guys... we thought the winds might give us a break, so we sat out at Candyland all morning waiting for them to come down. We called you back but you must have checked out. By the time we made to Tombstone you were gone and the winds were up.

    Enjoyed meeting you though and will look forward to crossing paths again. I'll keep you posted on the Vegas thing.



  11. #11



    yea, you guys should have gone straight to Tombstone Sunday. But, I'll tell ya - I don't thing the winds picked up after we left - if ya know what I mean. PsychoKiwi didn't get his name from sheering sheep. yes, the landing area got a little bigger that day.

    Martian Bob

  12. #12

    RE: Tombstone

    Martian Bob.
    That little comment about the sheep counts as one point because of the insiuation that was carefully veiled underneath.So that puts you at 58 comments of same gender or animal sexuality.
    Only 42 away from that gender reassignment surgery and date with,Traci Lords?????
    Way to go Martian Bob.
    We're all so proud of you.We're also right behind you all the way too.
    You go girl.

  13. #13
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) flummi's Avatar
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    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    last year i made a trip to twin falls and was the only jumper there on that weekend.

    (1) burt started saturday morning as soon as i called him and brought the boat out just for me, knowing there would be only one jumper
    (2) he gave me a ride up in his car after every jump and dropped me at the hotel for packing
    (3) he was at the LZ in 15 mins every following time when i called him over my two-way-radio (which he took with him) after i was done packing.

    he ended up charging me USD 7 per ride, which i think is a fair price to pay for the level of service.

    another fact that we should consider is that bert will represent us (the base jumpers) in local meetings and be our voice in the community. this is a service which is very valuable for us.

    and i assume that on weekends where he has so many people as on labor day 2000 we will be able to agree a discounted price.

    we should NOT start some rivalry between boat operators over a couple of bucks (they might just ALL end up charging us USD 8). to all who complain, please consider how often you will make it to the perrine and how many jumps you will be able to do and if those couple of bucks are really a matter to invest your energy.

    play hard.
    B.A.S.E. #996

    * Respekt - ist unsre Aufgabe! * (fanta4)

  14. #14

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    I agree with you Flummi, Burt did a pretty darn good job for us. It's probably a one or two trip a year locale, and a few extra bucks for someone to stick up for us is a small price to pay. I just don't like when somone raises prices 30% for no particular reason other than they believe the market will bear the increase.

  15. #15

    RE: Boat rides at Perrine

    Whatever you do don't mention the war.
    I did a couple of times but I think I got away with it.

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