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Thread: Just when you thought you have seen it all!

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  1. #1

    Just when you thought you have seen it all!

    I jumped with a friend from NZ(very experienced) off one of our local cliffs(one sec delay). He intended to do a free fall, but circumstances changed it for him. While he ran off the edge, his pilot chute wich was hand held got caught in a small tree on the exit point and pulled the pc out of his hand, at this stage he was already at the point of no return.
    The small tree pulled his pins and his canopy dropped out of his container hopped a few times on the ground and the tree, canopy followed him over the edge. Luckily he had a perfect on-heading.
    The only good thing is that he had a great canopy ride due to the collapsed pc, although the tree kept knocking him on the back of his head. The word O Fu.... came from all on-lookers and the jumper as he plunged over the edge.

    Watch out for those small bushes and trees on exit points and keep the pc clear. If there are any trees on your exit point invite some kiwi's to clear your exit point. Go Moff!

  2. #2

    RE: Just when you thought you have seen it all!


  3. #3

    RE: Just when you thought you have seen it all!

    75 meters

  4. #4
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    Jun 1997
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    RE: Just when you thought you have seen it all!

    HA HA HA!!!!!

    Moff! Way to go bro! :-)

    I know Moff quite well - made quite a few jumps together.

    Hope your having fun on your world tour bro!



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