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Thread: base...hmmm

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  1. #1


    i really have a big hesitation to make a base-jump(not the first base of course). We can make it to jump the cops building, it's so damn nice and it will be such a jump but if u do it maybe they gonne be more difficult after that jump and they will take like an insult ?! so what do i have to do, my mind tell me, jump that ##### but concience tell me: and the other base jumpers,do they have to be the victime of my jump ?

    thankx for some objective advice.

    the building is in Europe, not severe here about BASE.


    ps: sorry but prefer to stay anonymous...

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: base...hmmm

    If you have to bypass high security then you are going to embarass the cops - not a good idea. If you have easy access without sneaking around then it may not be as bad.

    The best question is whether the cops you are risking pissing off are your local cops and if not would you be considering this if they were?

    Will you definately be busted?

    Why do you think the cops over here don't go too hard on us? Because we keep out of their way. You might be jeopardising the head in the sand attitude they have been able to take if you peform a high profile jumps at their expense!

    Your call.


  3. #3

    RE: base...hmmm

    The access is easy because there is there just for a month a kind of crane against the wall...and they are the cops of the city, they can react ok or they can be pissed off, but who knows it untill you jumped it ? so...what would you do?

  4. #4

    RE: base...hmmm

    Monumental!!! HAHA. Jumping the cops building would be fantastic!!!! What a jump!!!
    I would say if you could get away with it then go for it. When I mean getting away with it I mean the cops would never find out. Jumping it without being seen and without telling people about the jump.Try not to piss that many people off and stay away from the news; that would piss the cops off even more.
    HAVE FUN MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. I would jump it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5

    RE: base...hmmm

    maybe you could just call Felix Baumgartner up and have him do an extreme burn job to it. call up the Red Bull helicopter and video him bypassing security, and maybe laughing at the cops as he runs away. I bet that would get their attention. Not that Felix evers burns anything though......

  6. #6

    RE: base...hmmm

    Hi there.

    Well, I didn't jump the cops' building, but I did the next best thing - jumped the only tall building around their HQ - right across the street :-) You only needed to be standing at the entrance to the police to both hear the canopy opening and see it. Moreover, it was shift-change time (unintentional, ofcourse, we had too much traffic going down so we waited - security is always a first!) so pretty much all of them were either inside or coming and leaving.

    Ofcourse, my cops don't deserve the title... It was then that I had the building strike, my friend (we were 2 jumpers) called an ambulance that took me to the hospital, and the police didn't even bother showing up. Heck, if they'd walked calmly they'd arrived before the ambulance did.

    The reason we did the building was because the construction was ending and I had just found the roof access. It was now or never, and I really hated the tought of looking at the building someday (or all days...) in the future thinking "damn, I could've jumped it!"

    So we did it. We assumed we could get away before the cops came, and in any way we could have convinced them it wasn't personal, it was just a tall building :-)

    The risk of messing with the local cops is always there. Less than two weeks later we were spotted jumping by a patrol car that turned our way but never cought us. There really is nothing you can do but make sure you only get in and jump, and not create any damage or provocation.

    I say go for it, but you must be ready to bear the consequence if you get cought. When the Eiffel dudes got busted, they accepted the risk and took it.

    Have fun, AND GET FOOTAGE!


  7. #7

    RE: base...hmmm

    thankx bro for your help ! this weekend here no wind so it's PARTY TIME !!


    ps: i guess i was lucky when i was not cathced by the cops at the eiffel, what did the dudes received as punichment ?

  8. #8

    RE: base...hmmm

    > ps: i guess i was lucky when i was
    > not cathced by the cops at the eiffel,
    > what did the dudes received as punichment ?

    First of all, you lucky bastard...

    Second, they were let off with gear confiscation only, and I heard that if there are no charges then there's a chance they get the gear back.

    What level did you jump? You can email the answer if you don't want it public.

    Have fun,


  9. #9
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Windy continent

    ******* wrote;
    thankx bro for your help ! this weekend here no wind so it's PARTY TIME !!

    There´s a huge wind this weekend, check out the pressure gradient on the isobar maps, This is for central Europe, Foehn and such on the the North side of the Alps tomorrow. A few groups have postponed Alpen trips because of the strong low pressure system coming in.
    Feel free to contact me for weather info or anyway I can help,
    take care,

  10. #10
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Windy continent wind update

    30-50kmh winds predicted for central Euro, If you are on the north side of the Alps in the Foehn winds this can easily be doubled.
    take extreme care........

  11. #11

    RE: Windy continent wind update

    Hey Space,

    The 3floor at Paris, you can make there a 3 sec. delay, i am from Belgium it's close to Paris, u r always welcome...

    We did this morning the cops building at 7 am and it went dammn perfect(65m freefall for info). The Escape went perfect and we landed safely, damn what a rush of adrenaline. like this sport hmm;)

    stay safe

  12. #12

    RE: Windy continent wind update

    > We did this morning the cops building at
    > 7 am and it went dammn perfect(65m freefall
    > for info). The Escape went perfect and we
    > landed safely, damn what a rush of adrenaline.
    > like this sport hmm;)

    Allright my man!

    Congratulations :-)


  13. #13

    RE: Windy continent wind update


    TOO COOL.....

    C-YA, BRO !!!!

  14. #14

    RE: Windy continent wind update

    Hey i got the pic of the jump i want to show it here how do i do that ??


  15. #15
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Windy continent wind update

    Yo! Congrats dude,
    Kickback to my email, There are certain Belgium jumpers I´ve been seeking for awhile, and maybe you can help ;-).
    kick back soon before the window is closing,
    look fwd,

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