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Thread: Paper or Plastic

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  1. #1

    Paper or Plastic

    WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN BREAK CORD......or even electrical tape..

    The Psilution now thanks to "el pres" endorses and encourages the use of small, weathered, tired, fragile... yet effective plastic shopping bags for static line/free fall deployment
    paper or plastic?

    The quote of the week being......"no worries lads this baby will work watch... snap...uhh well now I have two pieces...snap I mean three pieces of bag to use as a tie off.....can someone give me a pin(dual) check"

    Solid jumps all around....and yes we found the bag during our hike up.. and retrieved it.....

    What do you take us for.......

    Please stay tuned for next week's lesson the Rubber Johnnie tie off....

    We thankyou for your support.......

  2. #2

    Paper or Plastic or whatever but add this...

    Hey bro!
    How are things out west?
    Something that works very well to eliminate any trace or your jumping is the use of two carabenors
    (I prefer locking ones) with your chosen break cord of whatever length you need to get around your attachment point. With one D'ring attached to your bridle wrap the break material to the object and clip it on to the other D-ring. You take it all with you when you exit. No waste and more importantly no evidence of your jumping the site left behind.
    I still prefer bags and freefall, however but this works and it works well.
    Night Base 107

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