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Thread: neo base rigs

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  1. #1
    big country

    neo base rigs

    recently i have been looking at different rigs and i was just wondering what ya'lls opinion of the neo 2-pin rig was. i have been reading alot of reveiws and tom seems to really know his stuff so maybe he could help me out

  2. #2

    RE: neo base rigs

    I have looked at a lot of equipment that has come out of the Bombproof rigging loft. They make the Neo and various other junk that would look good hanging from your wall. In my opinion as a rigger, almost all of the gear that comes out of that loft is of sub-standard quality. Stitching is poorly done or not complete, risers are built uneven, 3-rings lengths are built out of spec., toggles do not match up to the risers, bridles regularly come out of the shop 1 to 2 feet too short. I even saw one of the pins coming off of a bridle after only 20 jumps(The stitching was coming appart). Would you like your pin to stay in the container after you throw out??? And last but certainly worse, they didn't clean up the sharp edge on a pilot chute center line. The resulting "hook" of melted nylon caused a table total of a pilot chute while practicing a BOC throw in the living room. The PC would NOT have opened if this were to have happened on a real jump. HMMM.......who made that PC that totaled last year?

  3. #3

    And another thing...

    If you do contact Bombproof rigging, ask them what their return policy is on gear you have purchased that has not been jumped and is in new condition. If they tell you that you can get your money back, get it in writing. It has been my experience that once they have your money, you will NEVER get it back. It doesn't matter if their personal or business reputation is soiled as long as they have your money in their pocket.

  4. #4
    big country

    RE: neo base rigs

    whoa i had no idea the quality was that poor. the reason i was asking was because i bought one at bridge day and later i was wondering to myself if i had made a mistake. so now i know. what would you suggest (besides what you already stated) i look for as far as defects.or should i just get rid of it.but if it is that dangerous then i sure don't want anyone else jumping it. thanks for your imput on the situation:9

  5. #5

    RE: neo base rigs

    What made you think that the purchase was a mistake?
    I would take it to a master rigger or better yet a BASE manufacturer with a good reputation(CR, BR, GSltd., etc.) and have them inspect it completely. Every inch including measuring the distance between the rings on the risers. I'd throw the PC in the garbage or give it to your kids to play with.
    I'd call them up and ask for your money back if you haven't jumped it. Good luck.

  6. #6
    big country

    RE: neo base rigs

    well i bought it from them at bridge day but it already had 6 jumps on it so i doubt i will be getting money back for it so will have it and the one my buddy bought inspected like you suggested and maybe with a little luck they will check out ok

  7. #7

    RE: And another thing...

    I own 2 NEO's and over the past two years have put about 75 jumps on each. I have never had or seen any of the problems you guys have mentioned. In fact, I have seen many other NEO's and in my opinoin as a riggier, all of them have been well made. I know several other jumpers who also jump the NEO and they all seem to agree with me. At least I have never heard any complaining at the exit point. I suggest that if any one has questions about the NEO that they get more than just one opinion. True, it is a relitivly new product but this sport is one where the participants generally develope very stong loylaty to the rigs they jump. Every one has an opinoin and and we all know what opinions are like. Try calling Bomb Proof and talking to them personnaly rather than listening to some one who may have an ax to grind. Just my 2 cents

  8. #8

    RE: And another thing...

    So much for the strickly enforced no flaming rule.

  9. #9
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: neo base rigs

    >...tom...maybe he could help me out

    See my post on the forum:

    I've never owned a NEO. I have talked to several people who were unhappy with them. I do know of one case in which Bombproof gave a refund for a returned NEO, however, this may have been an extraordinary case.

    --Tom Aiello

  10. #10

    RE: neo base rigs

    Many of the statements made in Toms article about Bomb Proof Rigging at are either only patially true and in other cases, flat out lies. I made an attempt to contact Tom about his atricle to see if he were interested in hearing facts instead of hearsay but he apparently had more pressing issues to attend to. I urge any one who is interested in the other side of this matter to contact me at I am not interested in getting invoved in a "he said she said" type argument on this or any other web sight. If you are trully interested, feel free to contact us. Thanks
    Kevin McGuire
    Bomb Proof Rigging

  11. #11
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: neo base rigs


    After calling you and leaving messages twice, but receiving no response, I emailed you, explaining that I was unable to reach you by phone. Perhaps you had "more pressing issues to attend to"?

    If you would care to respond to my messages, I'd be happy to edit my posting to reflect any inaccuracies.

    I do not believe that this forum is the appropriate place for that discussion. However, if you would like to correct my inaccuracies publicly, rather than privately, feel free to post follow ups in the forum.

    --Tom Aiello

  12. #12

    RE: neo base rigs

    I did not receive any of those messages. Perhaps this has just been a case of miscommunication and missed opportunitys. I'll be in the shop all day tomorrow. I'l make it a point to be available and I look forward to hearing from you

  13. #13

    RE: neo base rigs

    I've been jumping my NEO for a couple of months now, maybe 20 jumps. I was hesitaint to buy it because of some things people were saying. After doing all kinds of tests tring to find out what Eddie oops, jonny is complaining about. I did find that when my closing loop was excessly short it hestiated. Unlike skydiving, a very tight loop is not needed to close this system. I must have been the worst customer in the world," change this, fix that, I want this to be like that!" After all that extra work I made Kevin do I ended up with exactly the same thing as when we started. Kevin never got bent once!!! He was more concerned with me being happy with the product as opposed to laying some ego trip on me. Little did I realize the original rig was perfect just the way it was. As far as the Quality control at Bombproof, I have personaly never seen anything come out of that shop anything other than perfect. Larry Hill and all of the masses of people hear at skydive AZ (skydivers and Base jumpers alike) are very pleased with Kevins work. If you all have personal problems great, but lets not spread a bunch of bogus info about an awsome rig that most of you all who are complaining have never even worn. The NEO is comfortible and operates smoothly. You can bet if you jump it you'll love it. Please MR. Barton please leave your personal problems out of an information forum. Jeff Gladish and thats my real name!;)

  14. #14

    RE: neo base rigs

    Just wanted to let near death Jeff know that I'm not Eddie. Love your work Jeff. How's the addictions coming along?

  15. #15

    RE: neo base rigs

    You have your'e Jeffs confused. Jeff Gladish in not near death Jeff. And By the way, Near Death Jeff has been working very hard on his sort commings in an attempt to improve him self. I'm sure he would appreiciate your support.

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