I wanted to start a thread. I would like very experienced jumpers to post to this question:
If you could give a new jumper, or a person just starting into BASE a SOLID piece of advice, What would that be?
I wanted to start a thread. I would like very experienced jumpers to post to this question:
If you could give a new jumper, or a person just starting into BASE a SOLID piece of advice, What would that be?
My advice:
Before you ever try a BASE-Jump, go to the drop zone a make the following jumps:
* Tracking jumps to perfect your track on high base-jumps. The limited tracking you get on 4-ways, and freefly jumps is never going to be enough.
* Do a hop-and-pop and do not unstow your brakes. Land with just risers. You may have to do this someday, on boulders, on a base-jump.
* Do a hop-and-pop and unstow only 1 break. Land with just riser and 1 toggle. You may have to do this someday, on boulders, on a base-jump.
**** I will edit this again soon........
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Thank You
Mick Knutson :D
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"Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know whom to ask."
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Aside from that....what as a BASE instructor/mentor is most rewarding in teaching someone this INCREDIBLE sport. I'm just taking suggestions so I can thank the guys who are patiently walking me down this exhilirating road. And the OBVIOUS one is not getting yerself killed....ain't planning on that anyway. thankx.
My advice to NEW jumpers on the subject of INSTRUCTORS....
Research the teacher you choose. Not all teachers are equal. A majority of instructors are FAR under-qualified and are teaching for EGO, or BEER, Or BOTH.
The ones that don't hunt for you, but make you hunt for them; and the ones that make you work your BUT off at the DZ and ground crew, are the intelligent ones that you should seek out.
Search for references on your instructor. If they know enough to teach you correctly, many other people will also know them. If nobody knows them, they have probably not been BASE jumping long enough to actually know what to teach you.
What you don't know about BASE-jumping, Can/Will Kill or seriously injure you.
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Thank You
Mick Knutson :D
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Things I wish I'd known sooner...
Canopy control with rear risers
Proper pilot chute size in relation to delay
Proper pilot chute stowing
Check your brakes and how they're stowed as you place your canopy into the packing tray - ##### happens.
Courage to walk away
Always wear protective gear - you never, never know
If you jump with a good luck charm - get rid of it as soon as possible. One day you'll forget it and it will freak you out. This goes for lucky shirts, pants, undies and bandanas.
3-2-1-C-YA - not cool. It's SO '90's
Things I'm glad I knew, or glad I learned without injury...
Alleviate gear fear. When in doubt, re-pack.
Bridges over water - you dry faster than you heal.
Courage to go hand-held when everyone else is going stowed.
Courage to hike down alone in the dark because the wind is too strong after everyone else has jumped.
Courage to hike 4 hours down off a rock (with no jump) and drive 5 hours home after elaborate arrangements to have a free weekend.
Ignore people who ask if you have a death wish or ask how you could BASE jump while you have children at home. They're ignorant wankers. NOBODY gets it. Get use to it.
Get proper training before you attempt BASE aerials.
Kicking your legs or swinging your arms in dead air after you exit does nothing for your opening - but it makes great video.
NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON A BASE JUMP! Fly it to the dirt. It's not over until you hit the earth - one way or another.
And ladies...
Don't pack when you're angry.x(
It's easier to keep from being angry if you date outside the BASE community. ;)
Don't get breast implants if you want to be a great BASE aerialist. Throws your balance WAY off. :P
3-2-1 cya may be so 90's but I've found I can't jump without it, sad but true :-)
>3-2-1 cya may be so 90's but I've
>found I can't jump without it, sad but
>true :-)
Is that your lucky charm craig?
>It's easier to keep from being angry
>if you date outside the BASE
>community. ;)
Good advice, Sue! I had to learn this lesson the hard way in the skydiving community, so now that I am entering the BASE community, I am already preparing myself to avoid dating BASE jumpers. Now maybe a nice balloon pilot, or better yet a helicopter pilot might make a nice companion ;-)
>It's easier to keep from being angry
>if you date outside the BASE community. ;)
Now Sue, it's not our fault that you have bad taste in guys...
(I'm sure I've met at least two stable, sensitive men who BASE jump--now which two were they? )
ok, im pretty new to this sport. if 3..2..1..cya aint cool than what is? I wanna be cool. Help me be cool.
Find someone who knows how to stay alive, and do what they do.
Do as Tom Aiello says, not as he does.
Dr. H.
Never be afraid to back down at any point. Don't jump with people who will harass you for a decision to back off. It takes hours of courage to back off, and only a split second of stupidity to exit.
--Tom Aiello
Learn how to controllably land your canopy on a dime and don't be afraid to do a 180 BEFORE you leave the exit point.
If you are comfortable with the fact that you will attend your friends or your own funeral, sometime during your base jumping career, you are ready to start. if not, dont bother.