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Thread: New base jumper gear

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  1. #1

    New base jumper gear

    I am going to get into base jumping this spring....I am looking to get some outside info from jumpers about canopy and container preferences??? What would most experienced base jumpers advise as a first base container (manufacturer) and what do you consider to be a good first canopy for both design features and cost???

    I appreciate the time in getting back on this.

    Blue skies and happy ground rush!

  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: New base jumper gear

    >What would most experienced base jumpers advise

    I don't think there is any kind of consensus among experienced jumpers.

    I've attached my answer as a .pdf file.

    Hope this helps.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3

    RE: New base jumper gear

    Tom is very correct. There is no concencus.
    some things to consider is where you plan to jump mostly (Europe, or USA) and where you live.

    If you are in Europe, then tall cliffs are more prevelant than the low objects here in the USA. So you may consider a slightly smaller canopy, as well as maybe a pin rig instead of velcro.

    In the USA, you have to consider 400'-600' the NORM. So large forgiving canopies and safer velcro rigs are a better choice.

    As far as where in the states you live, there may be a BASE mfg near you. This helps as access to gear repair, inspection, training and personal assistance for questions is easier.
    If you are not near any MFG, then you need to consider what jumps you will be making as I mentioned above, as well as the reviews made here at BLiNC: and what you like to see. Some of this is personal preference like in Skydiving. Some people like Vectors, some like Javalins. They both work just as good for what they where made for.

  4. #4

    RE: New base jumper gear

    I am replying to this as a new base jumper. I have 9 base jumps in the past three months. I have jumps as low as 235 ft. and as high as 876 ft. most arounf 300 ft. and mostly antennas. I bought a two pin rig and love it and do not regret my decision. With the proper teaching from a experience jumper I personnally think this is the type of container to go with. I am 155lbs. and fly a 240 sqft. canopy and have never had a hard landing or scary ride. These statements are my personal opinions only. Talking to as many people as possible, gathering as much info as possible then forming your own opinion is the only smart thing to do, in my opinion.
    Hope your base jumping experience will be as much fun as mine is.

  5. #5

    RE: New base jumper gear

    An interesting forum indeed. Might start BASE jumping later, but for the time beeing i'm geting updates on equipment.

    CR make ACE and Blackjack with "ZP.forskin". I think the idea of partiell ZP with "greater working window" sound clever. But Tom A. don't recomend them.

    Pro an cons anyone?

    Blue skies

  6. #6

    RE: New base jumper gear

    >...working window" sound clever. But Tom A. don't
    >recomend them.

    As with any piece of equipment, users opinions vary greatly. Get as many opinions as you can.

    The flight characteristics of a partial ZP topskin is quite similar to a new f-111 parachute. The affect is nominal but noticeable, on back to back jumps. The canopy with the Partial ZP topskin will Fly very much the same with 150 (or more) jumps, as it did when it was brand new.

    Unless you already possess extremely good packing skills , partial ZP topskin parachutes are much more difficult to pack. A nice neat packjob can get out of control very quickly. Also consider that it may open faster (harder) on longer delays especially if you lose control of it.

    I probably wouldn't recommend a ZP topskin parachute for your first BASE canopy either. Parachutes last a long time, especially if you take good care of it.

    I can offer no real opinion on a vented canopy since I've only jumped one a few times.The delay was 2 seconds and just over 2 seconds. The wind was around 5 to 7 on the ground so landing felt the same as any thing else. Many jumpers feel that vents are the way to go right from the start. I see no reason to contradict that.

    If BASE becomes a reality for you in the future, Please skydive many times with the same parachute (or one quite similar).

    Good day

  7. #7

    RE: New base jumper gear

    LIKE PUPPIES TO THE ALLIGATOR POND!!!!! What ever rig you buy??? you will be a test jumper..... make sure its a ARTICULATED HARNESS, this will eliminate the rig from opening due to maneuvering and climbing.................. .PIN closure offers greater security at high speeds than velcro!!!!!!!! all ways wear a helmet and body-armer. peterbase77

  8. #8
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: New base jumper gear

    >..."ZP.forskin"...But Tom A. don't recomend them.

    Let me clarify. I would not recommed a ZP foreskin (composite topskin) or an all ZP topskin for any beginner.

    I jump a ZP foreskin Blackjack, and am quite pleased with it. However, I think the extra packing difficulty is something you don't need early in your BASE career.

    --Tom Aiello

  9. #9

    RE: New base jumper gear

    Thanks. (A lot of interresting reading Tom)

    I've planed to skydive a lot, and then maybe BASE jump. If so. I'll take your advise, buy an all f-111 Base-chute like ACE and but it in a big skydiving rig for at least 100 jumps before I join you in base jumping. The packing problems and possible hard openings convinced me.

    Will "vents" be the gold-standard even for beginners in a few years?

    Blue skies, and thanks again;-)

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