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Mick Knutson's BLiNC BLoG

Stairs or elevator?

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I have been living in SF since 1990. I just recently moved to Pittsburgh PA for a 6-month contract.

The first thing I noticed was, in general, a tendency to be lazy by most people. The most prominent example was the reason for this post in the first place.

I work at a 3 story building. There is a large lobby and there are stairs in the center of the lobby. Quick obtrusive actually. I have to walk another 10 steps to get to the elevator to get up to another level. I work on the 2nd level. Now I am just dumbfounded by all the obese persons that will not walk 1 flight of stairs. Then I hear them in the hallway complaining about how their medical coverage did not help their bla, bla, bla issue.

I mean really! Why are so many people so lazy?

I bet they would loose more weight taking the stairs than on Jenny Craig.

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