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Mick Knutson's BLiNC BLoG

Friday the 13th ....!!!

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Today, seems to be the first time I can actually remember that is actually "Friday the 13th".

Interestingly enough, the hailed dooms-day of bad fortune, has not taken any toll, nor delivered any redemption. I merely have focus and personal drive to direct an otherwise lost point horizon.

I would actually guess that my only remorse for today, would be that I started reading a book about life-long memory. It talks about TECH chatter as being bad, and leading to many issues including Alzheimer disease.

I mean really!!!! I get the greatest satisfaction I could ever imagine (in a career at least), by "Thinking Up Shit" (quoting Bruce)... But today I read (true or not) that tech chatter can be detrimental to lifelong mental stamina.

OK, YES, i would LOVE to have mental focus at age 100!!!!!!!. you better FUCKING believe it! So what am I to do about a stimulation that gives me focus, and YES pleasure, as a detriment to lengthy mental focus? Well, I must say, this is a mid-life crisis WORTH contemplation.

"Life is visceral, rather than intellectual!..."

I could NOT be torn by two conflicting and complementing presence...

"...we are reaching a period when our senses and minds will no longer respond to moderate stimulation..."

I see that my current frustration, can not succumb to the standard "week long vacation", or family outing...At this point, only excess will overcome excess.

"Too much work, requires Too much Play... You must have the stamina to withstand the Ebb and flows of life.."

If I am to be penalized physically, for my drive mentally, than I will no longer hold true that which is obviously not waiting for me later. and I plan to live viscerally from now on, which seems the only control I have. Control over the "NOW". Nothing more...

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  1. stevenm's Avatar
    Friday the 13th... that is such a thing of the past. Surely everyone knows the world will end on January 19th, 2038, which I believe is a Tuesday.


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