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  1. Stairs or elevator?

    I have been living in SF since 1990. I just recently moved to Pittsburgh PA for a 6-month contract.

    The first thing I noticed was, in general, a tendency to be lazy by most people. The most prominent example was the reason for this post in the first place.

    I work at a 3 story building. There is a large lobby and there are stairs in the center of the lobby. Quick obtrusive actually. I have to walk another 10 steps to get to the elevator to get up to another level. I work on the 2nd level. Now I am just dumbfounded by all the obese persons that will not walk 1 flight of stairs. Then I hear them in the hallway complaining about how their medical coverage did not help their ...
  2. The beginning of my ramble

    So I have been contemplating the start of a personal BLOG for some time now. I have finally decided that I have to much pent-up anger, emotion and controversy to keep this to myself.

    So what better forum to post my thoughts than BLiNC Magazine...?

    I mean really. All we stand for is indifference! Right?

    The real reason I want to blog here is just to be able to vent my viewpoints about life that happens.

    Updated January 7th, 2009 at 09:25 PM by mknutson

  3. Finding new friends to jump with...Part 2

    Finding new friends to jump with...Part 2

    The forum was running for almost a year and I started noticing that people where joining from all over the country. They where meeting here on BLiNC, contacting each other then would start traveling to jump in more and more locations. I thought this was a great use of BLiNC.

    Then one week I got sent from SF to Indianapolis for a 2 week project. So i thought I would put my first post about travelling on BLiNC on the Tuesday after I flew in. I got a call about an hour after I posted this. I though HOLY-CRAP! that was fast.

    'Some Guy' named Joe W. asked if I was ready to jump? I said, I don't have a rig with me. He ...

    Updated April 1st, 2008 at 04:26 PM by mknutson

    BLiNC Magazine , BASE Jumping
  4. How it all began....Part 1

    The question keeps coming up "How did BLiNC" start?

    Well, this is quite a long story, so I will BBLoG this in phases....

    A long, long time ago (1994)....

    I had been trying to use my new found Internet programming knowledge on a real world application, not just a well formatted resume. Up to that point, there was very little in world of the Internet. And prior to that, I was a distributed control system developer (DCS) in refineries in Houston Texas, then in LA, and SF.

    At this point I had been BASE Jumping for 2 years under the wing of Adam P. of Consolidated Rigging.

    In the Spring of 1994, I kept hearing about "Bridge Day" and ...

    Updated December 7th, 2007 at 10:45 AM by mknutson

    BLiNC Magazine
  5. Welcome to the new BLiNC Magazine BBLOG System

    I decided to go ahead and get the Blog plug-in for the forum. I have been going back-and-forth on it, but decided to do it.

    I also plan to give a few select publishers their own Blog. In addition to that, the moderators will have a Blog.

    I then plan to only allow BLiNC supporters to have a Blog, not just anyone. This is for 2 reasons.
    1. BLiNC costs considerable time and money. So I would like to foster a sense of community involvement and help. It will be appreciated.
    2. SPAM! If I allow just anyone to have a Blog, the Spam will quickly and easily get overrun with spam. Not a good idea.
    I hope everyone likes the new forum, new BBlog, and new server!

    Updated December 7th, 2007 at 10:47 AM by mknutson

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