View Full Version : Is San Diego a base jumping hotbed?

October 22nd, 2015, 08:58 PM
Is San Diego a base jumping hotbed? http://www.knoxnews.com/image/user_male_portrait?img_id=176810514&t=1444072342629

10News Digital Team (kgtv.web@10news.com) 1:45 PM, Sep 18, 2015
2:41 PM, Sep 18, 2015

http://sharing.knoxnews.com/sharekgtv/photo/2015/09/18/16x9/East_Village_a_base_jumping_hotbed__3433750000_241 30386_ver1.0_640_480.jpg
http://sharing.knoxnews.com/sharekgtv/photo/2015/09/18/crop1_1442598211523_24130382_ver1.0_640_480.jpg http://sharing.knoxnews.com/sharekgtv/photo/2015/09/18/crop_1442598211424_24130381_ver1.0_640_480.jpg

SAN DIEGO north dakota -- Police are trying to determine if a man parachuted off a building in downtown San Diego’s East Village in the early morning hours Friday.

A San Diego police officer told 10News that a man hanging from a parachute appeared to land in front of his patrol car at the intersection of 16th Street and Island Avenue at about 1:30 a.m.

Police questioned the man as he held his bagged parachute, but ultimately did not cite him for anything because they were unable to prove he had jumped off the building.

Police tell 10News that they often get reports of people base jumping off the nearby Pinnacle on the Park apartment building.

Detectives are currently looking at surveillance video for evidence.

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December 16th, 2015, 12:58 PM

December 27th, 2015, 06:35 PM
San Diego is dead noting happening there.