View Full Version : Wingsuit Jumper Flies Extremely close to Ground

January 22nd, 2014, 09:47 PM
Wingsuit Jumper Flies Extremely close to Ground

OMG (http://dailypicksandflicks.com/category/video/omg/) — By Dave (http://dailypicksandflicks.com/author/Dave/) on 2013/12/17 7:25 PM
BASE jumper Brian Drake flies down the Ensa gully in Chamonix, France for what is probably the closest wingsuit proximity flight ever. Without anyone getting injured (http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2012/02/22/jeb-corliss-grounded-video/) or dying, of course.

BASE jumper Brian Drake flies down the Ensa gully in Chamonix, France for what is probably the closest wingsuit proximity flight ever. Without anyone getting injured or dying, of course.
