View Full Version : [langtitle=de]The new guy[/langtitle]

August 18th, 2013, 03:09 PM
Hello everybody!

I wanted to say "hi" to the forum and give you a short Information who I am, and why I am here.

my name is mike, I am "ol"d (40), never been jumping off BASEs.
Five years ago I mooved from Germany to Switzerland.
During my time in German Bundeswehr me, and some friends planned doing our first jumps on Texel.
sad, we never made it there...

no I caught second wind and I am going to do IT.

as many others I've been watching hours of youtube material, red articles about base jumping, and informed me about gear...

I know I can't go and buy some stuff and jump off the next mountain... But for me, as a "überwiegend Deutsch sprechende" person, my difficulties start by finding out the essentials and what really counts.

I am looking/hoping for someone who lives next to Lucerne, Lauterbrunnen and likes/wants to give me some advice, informations or guidlines what really counts, what diving school is good, where to do my 200+ jumps (school/area/helipilots, etc.) over the next 12 month.

I apriciate any help, information, tipps, community etc.

all the best
