May 31st, 2013, 08:55 PM
Morning Speed Wing Flight From Sherwin Ridge With The Crew!!! Five Of Us Fly Our Fastest Wings!! April 22, 2013
Saturday dawned clear, and motivation was high. The monkeys were in town, and we wanted some fun! Lew, Ryan, Eric, Preston, and I; we all needed a little speed wing fix for the day, and the Sherwins were looking perfect.
We left one car close to the LZ, at Preston’s house. We then shuttled up to the Twin Lakes trailhead, and started out on foot from there. A fun, easy hike up the backside, and we were on top. Preston launched first- I think this will be the new trend! His psyche for his new sport is at 110%! We all took off one at a time from the cornice launch, as it was slick ice to a drop off you couldn’t see down! Luckily there was plenty of headwind, and we were off!
Here are a few pics from the day. Good job Boys! ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Another great adventure!!!
Morning Speed Wing Flight From Sherwin Ridge With The Crew!!! Five Of Us Fly Our Fastest Wings!! | Sierra Paragliding (
Saturday dawned clear, and motivation was high. The monkeys were in town, and we wanted some fun! Lew, Ryan, Eric, Preston, and I; we all needed a little speed wing fix for the day, and the Sherwins were looking perfect.
We left one car close to the LZ, at Preston’s house. We then shuttled up to the Twin Lakes trailhead, and started out on foot from there. A fun, easy hike up the backside, and we were on top. Preston launched first- I think this will be the new trend! His psyche for his new sport is at 110%! We all took off one at a time from the cornice launch, as it was slick ice to a drop off you couldn’t see down! Luckily there was plenty of headwind, and we were off!
Here are a few pics from the day. Good job Boys! ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Another great adventure!!!
Morning Speed Wing Flight From Sherwin Ridge With The Crew!!! Five Of Us Fly Our Fastest Wings!! | Sierra Paragliding (