View Full Version : Kandersteg, Switzerland - August 11, 2012

August 13th, 2012, 05:57 AM
Gastern (Gemeinde Kandersteg): Basejumper tödlich verunfallt (Medien) Kantonspolizei Bern - Kanton Bern (http://www.police.be.ch/police/de/index/medien/medien/aktuell.meldungNeu.html/police/de/meldungen/police/news/2012/08/20120812_1132_gastern_gemeindekanderstegbasejumper toedlichverunfallt)

Translation from the link above:

"On Saturday August 11 2012 at about 10.40am the man met with five other Basejumpers at the lower Tatelishorn at the exit "Kandersteg Classic". He exited second of the group and had no problems during the flight according to first reports. When he opened his canopy it twisted, as a consequence the man hit the wall a couple of times, and then hit a ledge.

The emergeny doctor could only testify the death of the basejumper. His body was recovered with a rope winch. The dead basejumper is a 28 year old austrian citizen."