View Full Version : Wingsuit Lands… In A House?!

June 19th, 2012, 08:22 AM
Wingsuit Lands… In A House?!

http://www.iloveskydiving.org/wp-content/plugins/yet-another-photoblog/YapbThumbnailer.php?post_id=8059&w=180 (http://www.iloveskydiving.org/view/videos/verizon-fios-commercial-wingsuit-lands-in-house/)Well, not literally. But that was the concept behind this kickass commercial for Verizon’s FiOS. Working alongside director Rob Cohen (“The Fast and the Furious”, “Mummy”, “XXX”), these stunning wingsuit lines were shot by Matt Gerdes, Barry Holubeck, and Dave Barlia. Well done guys! For more pics and details about this project, check out Matt’s [...]

More... (http://www.iloveskydiving.org/view/videos/verizon-fios-commercial-wingsuit-lands-in-house/)

by iLoveSkydiving