View Full Version : Friday Freakout: How NOT To Exit An Aircraft!

May 18th, 2012, 06:45 AM
Friday Freakout: How NOT To Exit An Aircraft!

http://www.iloveskydiving.org/wp-content/plugins/yet-another-photoblog/YapbThumbnailer.php?post_id=7457&w=180 (http://www.iloveskydiving.org/view/videos/friday-freakout-how-not-to-exit-an-aircraft/)This exit is just plane painful. Pun intended. Excuse me one moment while I put on my helmet… I was just reminded why we (should) all wear one. I might even consider wearing two after watching this :)

More... (http://www.iloveskydiving.org/view/videos/friday-freakout-how-not-to-exit-an-aircraft/)

by iLoveSkydiving