July 26th, 2011, 12:56 PM
Hey, my name is Patrick and I am writing in hopes of reaching someone who has connections for work in New Zealand. I do not base jump, I do skydive, and enjoy all of the other recreational activities (skiing, kiteboarding, hiking) etc. that im sure most of you do. I understand that this is a tight knit community, as i have been "lurking" posts for a couple of years now. My hope is that I can reach out to a few people who are understanding of my situation and are willing to assist me if at all possible. I am looking to work in New Zealand in any way shape or form. I have a business degree, with marketing emphasis, and am just looking to escape life in the U.S. for a few and go on an adventure. I have done the researching of visa's etc, hence why I am here. If anyone at all has any connections, knows anyone that needs help, or has positions open themselves, I would greatly appreciate a PM. If not, I understand I just threw myself out there for public humiliation on this website and am willing to take it. Thanks for your time and take care, Patrick