View Full Version : Fatality Brento 3rd of May

May 4th, 2011, 07:03 AM
Believed to be a Russian( Evgens Chernatskij) in a Tracking suit...

Trentino, morto base-jumper: difficile il recupero del corpo - Dal territorio - Dal territorio - Home - Il Giornale della Protezione Civile (http://www.ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile.it/?pg=1&idart=3316&idcat=3)

YouTube - Incidente mortale "Base jumper" russo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4alSpNmnUA)

Any more info please post..

Info from bj.com from paddy french man who does sum it up pretty good

No experience. Shitty conditions.
Shouldn't have been jumping.
After getting a private email from a friend of mine he told me he was there and approached the exit not long after the fatality and was told on 2 way radio that a jumper has gone in and the canopy is on the wall...it was up to them if they wanted to jump but know there is a canopy there and not get spooked...2/3rds of the group exited while 1 was brave enough to hike back down, he stated that there was a slight bit of cloud/mist around and there was windy conditions...he felt that with his lack of experience (maybe 50 or less jumps) he decided not to jump ,

Its a pity that hearing reports of his mentor leaving the deceased with only 1 base jump under his belt on the edge alone in tracking gear such a shame...


May 7th, 2011, 12:05 AM
Reading between the lines of the really bad translator I used it sounds like a possible cliffstrike due to gusty wind conditions? Headed to Brento soon, have heard about the winds... Correct me if this was not the cause.

Condolences to the jumper's family and friends.