View Full Version : One Life Wednesdays: Ep. 6 - DAVOS, Switzerland

April 29th, 2011, 11:03 AM

http://static2.dmcdn.net/static/video/243/532/30235342:jpeg_preview_medium.jpg?20110429041526 (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xi01qm_one-life-wednesdays-ep-6-davos-switzerland_sport)Roxy team rider Kjersti Buaas and the One Life team head to Switwerland for this latest episode. Here's Kjersti's review of what went down: "After Christmas we all went for the first 6 Star TTR Event of the season, the O'neill Evolution Jam in Davos, Switzerland. This was the first year for girls to enter the slopestyle and this was very exciting! All of us made it to finals and I'm stoked on my 3nd place in halfpipe and Sarka's 2rd place in slopestyle! It was also my birthday, and the girls surprised me with a paragliding trip, flying above Davos after the pipe finals... Experiences like this helps me slow down, take time to breathe and realize how good life is in a rather busy season!"

Author: http://static2.dmcdn.net/static/user/773/619/20916377:avatar_medium.jpg?20110204140135freecaste rTV (http://www.dailymotion.com/freecasterTV)
Posted: 07 April 2011
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