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View Full Version : Security patch applied to BLiNC, but forum runner has an issue

April 7th, 2011, 02:59 PM
Security patch applied to BLiNC, but forum runner has an issue with some of the new patch updates. But, I needed the patch applied to avoid a hacked server. So I am now working with the forum runner team to resolve the android issue.

April 8th, 2011, 06:07 AM
Update on Forum runner
When you see BLiNC in your favorites and there is an animated circle waiting for stats back from BLiNC... Click on BLiNC anyways as the app still works. There is just an issue getting the stats back. I am working on that issue with the developer now. But please keep using the app for now.

April 15th, 2011, 02:06 PM
Forumrunner seems to be working now.

Anybody used both Forumrunner and Tapatalk? How are the different? You prefer one over the other?

I have been using the free version of Forumrunner just to get a feel for it but Tapatalk doesn't have a free version...

April 15th, 2011, 03:35 PM
I have both paid versions and like forum runner more and tapatalk does not support iPad and some orbs mac devices.

Sent from my DROIDX using Forum Runner