View Full Version : Rig/canopy
February 21st, 2011, 05:42 PM
Got about 50 jumps been skydiving bout a year.
I've read everything I can about getting into base and don't wanna be 1 of these twats that think they can just rush into the sport with no preparation
I've been doing all the recommended drills under canopy avoidance etc.. Currently jumping a sabre 2 170.
Looking to just bang out lots of tracking dives from now on and concentrate on improving my canopy skills(on a canopy course in may)
Looking to buy a base canopy to skydive with and maybe pack it into my current rig but have been reading mixed reviews on the f-111 Canopy's that pack smaller,
Would it be a good idea to do or would it be better to get a cheap container/reserve to jump the base canopy in?
February 22nd, 2011, 07:46 AM
Go with a BASE specific canopy, there is no good reason to jump a skydiving canopy in the BASE environment.
There really is no reason to go with an ultralite fabric on the canopy for your first canopy. I feel that gear is more for experienced jumpers, not necessarily because it's going to fly or perform any different, but because as a beginning jumper your're not really going to use it up to it's potential. It packs up much smaller, bulk-wise, which is nice if you are a wingsuiter trying to squeeze every last ounce of performance out or you are doing massive aerials and need less bulk. Dean Potter uses ultralite gear when free soloing (see :35 on the video).
Continue on with the canopy drills in skydiving, continue to enjoy skydiving, ask questions, do research, and make some connections in the BASE environment. Over time you will get a better feel for what is out there and be able to determine which gear is best suited for you.
February 22nd, 2011, 11:03 AM
Was just thinking about the f-111 canopy so I could pack it into my current container if it would fit rather than buying another container/reserve to jump a normal base canopy
Thanks for the help
February 22nd, 2011, 10:23 PM
Got about 50 jumps been skydiving bout a year.
I've read everything I can about getting into base and don't wanna be 1 of these twats that think they can just rush into the sport with no preparation
I've been doing all the recommended drills under canopy avoidance etc.. Currently jumping a sabre 2 170.
Looking to just bang out lots of tracking dives from now on and concentrate on improving my canopy skills(on a canopy course in may)
Looking to buy a base canopy to skydive with and maybe pack it into my current rig but have been reading mixed reviews on the f-111 Canopy's that pack smaller,
Would it be a good idea to do or would it be better to get a cheap container/reserve to jump the base canopy in?
I would suggest checking out the links in the Wiki. I think there some articles on it.
February 23rd, 2011, 12:53 PM
Was just thinking about the f-111 canopy so I could pack it into my current container if it would fit rather than buying another container/reserve to jump a normal base canopy
Actually, BASE canopies are all pretty much F-111 fabric; the exceptions being that some have the option for a ZP (Zero Porosity) "nose". You can get a percentage (depending on the manufacturer) of the forward topskin as ZP in order to enhance the canopies flight/flare characteristics.
Check out the BASE Wiki on Canopies: Canopies - BASE Jumping:: BLiNC Magazine Forums (
...and, check out the Gear section for more information: Category:Gear - BASE Jumping:: BLiNC Magazine Forums (
February 23rd, 2011, 01:23 PM
Is there any information on how small base canopies pack up?
Or has anybody had any experience with this when first flying their base canopies and testing them skydiving?
Did you buy another rig to stuff it into or did it fit into the 1 you already had?
February 23rd, 2011, 03:03 PM
Good luck trying to fit (most) BASE specific tarps into your current SD container. Not saying it's impossible, just sucks to pack over and over again while trying to make that 5 min call.
My 2 quarters: if you are serious about getting into it like the 1000s of other curious newbies, purchase a quality BASE specific tarp sized appropirate for your WL in BASE (used is even fine), then rent a larger student rig from your DZ, pull out the main, and start learning that canopy. When you're ready to jump it off fixed you should know its characteristic in and out
Just an option, there are many out there.
February 23rd, 2011, 04:03 PM
Thanks alot for the help
February 25th, 2011, 04:24 AM
A real good solution is to find a DZ that will let you hook up your BASE canopy in a student rig (because they're HUGE containers). When I bought my BJ (280 sf), I took it to Abbie's DZ and took it terminal on the first jump in one of his student rigs, then followed the manufacturer's recommendations for checking the trim on the brake settings during the long-assed canopy ride. It just so happens that Marty is a genius and they were perfect. (He sends the measurements and dimensions for everything to PD - who actually builds the canopy)
In my case, I only skyjumped it that once, but you could jump it as many times as you want. A common misconception is that BASE canopies can't take as many skydives as a skydiving specific canopy. Rubbish.
February 25th, 2011, 03:59 PM
There is this option: Ulster County Containers and Canopies :: Base Canopies, Base Rigs, Base Gear for the Base Jumper (
I've never used it so I have no opinion on it's performance, construction, etc.
I have seen Miles D through some of his students out of a plane with that setup/system.
February 26th, 2011, 10:17 AM
Dont forget the review section here at BLiNC
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