View Full Version : NY Ground Crew

May 22nd, 2010, 09:31 AM
Hi everyone,

Brand new to BLINC. Far from ready i know and still working to gain as much experince in skydiving and under the cannopy as possible. From what it seems its never too early to learn the basics and therefore id really like to get on a ground crew out in NY. Going there from utah end of may and will be jumping at a new DZ. Will hopefully be able to find some guys from there but we will see. Im looking to line up a mentor that i can ground crew for while i work and gain experince before my FJC and then can stick with through out the sport. Any ideas?

**Please dont post anything specific on this thread just shoot me a message if your willing to help or provide info***

Looking to do an FJC end of year or next year depending on how other jumpers evaluate my abilities and wether i feel confident enough to start doing something where my confidence is going to evaporate in an instant.

(lets see how many d*cks rip into me for being a newbie lol)

May 24th, 2010, 05:24 PM
What's up brother. If you are moving to New York you definitely need to go check out the Blue Sky Ranch if you've never been there before. It's one of the bigger and busier DZs on the east coast and has a lot of active base jumpers. Once you are out there for a little while you'll meet plenty of people that will be able to take you along to ground crew and able to help you learn about base. They will also be able to judge your abilities and make recommendations to you much better than a bunch of clowns on the internet will. Hope this helps.
