View Full Version : strategic plans for twin falls gimp tossing trip_help?

April 3rd, 2010, 10:40 AM
any locals willing to help toss a gimp off the bridge?

1)Does anyone still have the platform used for Russell?
(we talked, he wont be making it-lest some miracles happen).

2) Boat rental, help with that someone want to volunteer to give me a hand on getting this guy over there?

3) got accommodations,
(need room mates- for experienced jumper willing to be a big part of this, coming there to help out, a spot is free for you in this room-another thread in this form is for that room PM me about it)

4) ground crew on bridge, on potential ground landing, & getting up to bridge again. its a few-more then i Would like to see but lots of Patron will have to flow from my room http://www.basejumper.com/images/forum/sly.gif

5) Transportation.
I have not decided on what to do for getting there, mainly because if i get a ride with someone else it is better then flying somewhere to be begging for a pick up from an airport. Which i may have to do. I cant rent a car-have no license to drive after i lost the legs.
So transportation comes in 3 parts potentially.
1) getting there from here,
2) getting to and from hotel from bridge
3) getting to the hotel from airport if needed.

People willing to help out in any of this will be asked to add their thoughts, offers, suggestions, fckoffs, here.

June 18th, 2010, 07:00 AM
Hey Minna,

You okay? Did NOT see you in Twin Falls :(

June 22nd, 2010, 12:04 AM
Hey Minna,

You okay? Did NOT see you in Twin Falls :(

good and bad.

the week before Idaho, i finaly made it to the 410f footer ive wanted to get to.

did her 3 times.
on 3rd, my hand got caught in the riser (now that is how learning bad habits will bite you in the ass, i reach for the risers before the openng, and got my hand caught in there).

went to the ER, as it swelled up huge and bruised.
was not so bad 4 little bones were cracled/
worse was gettng short of breath, collapsing, going into a coma and waking up 4 days later-the friday to be in Idaho.

i was devestated, and also extremely lucky.
the jump that could of killed me, turned out great. but then t is also the jump that saved my life because hqad my hand been ok i would of been at home 40 min. away from the hospital when i would have collapsed.
or worse, travelling.

so then the worst happens.

my room mate, who was to come back in 4 days from when i got home from the hospital,
goes in, in california.

ground launching.
the DZ he worked at, said that he was
not "one of us", the skydivers, but a paraglider.
(yet the DZ can see him, that his how close he was to them).
anyways, it wasnt 5 hours before he was gone,
people were at the door looking for his thngs.

our landlord has doubled my rent now, as l lve here myself now,
and it feels like ii need to go for a road trip for the whole winter months to some paces warm n the USA just to survve the next winter.

the thing that really bothers me, is the peole coming his things, and the landlord wantng me to give his belongiings for 'ransom' to the famly so they will pay hs share of the rent he defaulted on.

so i am responsible for that.
as my landlord can not sue someone who is not here anymore.
its all messed.

so much so, that since then, and after my hand healed, i have stuck to leisurely skydiving and not jumped a singe object.
first i needed to get my strength back, but now i just do not have a good feeling about dave and his things... the landlord wanting the computer and TV that he had.

now he is trying to get his hands on the gear.

because i warned the family of his plans to take daves stuff just for the few months rent, that they would loose alll access to his personal stuff like photos and vidoes, then they can have his last year of life here at the DZ through those,
it just seems criminal to want to take his things, now that he is gone.
each day it seems to bring something new that was more shockng then the day before.

i've been sticking exclusively to skydving, since daves gone, and wonderng what to say to the next one coming to the door, was supposed to

June 29th, 2010, 02:31 AM
"People living deeply have no fear of death."
if your going to base you well have friend's die, If you live long enough you well have lot's friend's and family die, you cant get away from death, live much as you can tell you die.

June 29th, 2010, 09:38 AM
"People living deeply have no fear of death."
if your going to base you well have friend's die, If you live long enough you well have lot's friend's and family die, you cant get away from death, live much as you can tell you die.

YES, absolutely.

it still feels surreal, he didnt come back. clearing out his room, feel like im invading on privacy, to take out the rest, of what the family didnt take (not to mention dealing with the landlord and that whole situation, but thats nothing compared to Dave O being gone like this.

it still bothers me that I do not know the exact details of what, why, how, it happened, and what was he flying, (not my canopy I know-he was to get it the month before but I had use for it), what conditions,

all i know so far is he had a 180, and went into the rock face.
near a very large popular DZ, where he was working. who reported, that it was some guy who was a paraglider who they didnt knjow and specifically distanced themselves from Dave with a saying that 'they' are not skydives... while he worked there for gods sake-im not expecting them to say, yah hes out worker and went out and jumped off a clff with... blah blah... but could it just be left out that he had nothing to do with skydiving, and was a paraglider (which he wasnt-and i think if I was a paraglider I would not want the news to come to me next and ask which one of us did this, and what conditions, experience etc. questions they may ask-as he wouldnt have had anything to do wth the paragliding community).

anyways airdog07, like you said, he DID live as much as he could, before he died.
and we both knew we would one day.
before he jumped, or i did, our last thing to say to each other was, 'dont die'
because we would have this running joke, of not going to clean the others dirty shitty rooms.
well, its no joke anymore.

Dave always did say that when he goes, he hopes it is under canopy rather then some other issue.
but he also said he wanted a ash dive, and it to be here.
hs family is SO upset with him having even moved here (we both are the '[black sheep]' who came here to live here purely to work and skydive near a place with lots of options to jump without planes).

and i dont think he told his family he went base, except his ex wife, (which is why she left-she sad she did not 'vow' to be wth a skydiver never mind a base jumper), so this is all hitting them with the questions of what does this all mean.

none of us have answers, there is no one speaking about what happened, so even his family could understand better what this all means.

To them, Dave was on a skydiving vacation in USA, and 6 months off work to get a long needed break.
then they hear he 'fell' off a cliff with a parachute, and that he 'smashed into the cliff'
-to them this makes no sense.
(as it wouldnt to most folks who dont know anything about skydiving and never heard of base).

Yes Dave should have told his family about base.

Surely they have the coroners report, *by now?* but what does that tell a person who does not know this sport.

it's just hard to take right now.
i only really focus well on days i go diving.
havent gone base in a month plus a few.
just working on atmo because its where i feel most at peace right now.
and i need to work out my problem with that riser situation.
which will be a post.
i hope to get some feed back.
yes im ready to take it if its going to be a tongue slashing.

July 13th, 2010, 10:14 AM
airdog, after a month of Daves death, its settled. that I'm proud of him and happy for him for the following,

Dave Ogison, my room mate who died on June 10 2010 in San Diego, at 34,
would say:

just do it!
cut away that which is not working and live daily for today.

he always woke up suprised and shocked he was still alive.
while so many think, expect, hope to become old.
live well into the elderly ears.

Dave lived each day to the fullest, he gave what he had to anyone who needed it,
thus he never had anything much, ne lived from sunset to sunrise with stealth
from noon till sun set with passion for free flying
we would get on the caravan loads last summer together (being room mates our home was always filled with skydiver shere on the DZ, thus skydiving and BASE was what all whom we know, knew of, and are a part of) and DAVE ALWAYS said to me

'dont die you fucker"
and hes gone.
never to say it again.

i am going to wait for the FINNS to descent upon the USA, and find them there, at Idaho-i will feel at home, with other Finns, and until then,
as i prepare to burn away this shell, and reveal the freedom
for my soul that Dave found-before he finally found that eternal exit that I now wonder what it meant, but do see that he was so happy, each day prior to this happening, happier then he ever was... in the time i knew him. that gives me peace, to know Dave did waht he wanted, and was surfing, doing things he'd only seen on the net! being a 'ountry boy' from a small ontario town, hims big grin as he cruised the sites in Cali still gives me the assurance that he truly was happy those last few months of his life.

He quit his job, left his home, went on a journey he never would imagine he could do.
he had never been in a plane he did not jump out of the fucker was scared to fly commercial!
had to splash his face with water before getting on that plane, to find his dreams,
his new venture, new places hes never seen, been to
and stil woke up daily,
amazed he had lived through till the begining of a new day
as he always was half way gone

now hes gone

someone asked Dave where do you find the money, the time etc to go?
(thinking of how do you get time off work etc)
he just replied,
you just go.
you just close the door and go, dont look back

today I thank Dave for teaching me the lesson of letting go.
of not procrastinating on plunging fullly to follow my dreams.
living at the DZ, jumping here daily, etc. is great.
its not it.
its not right exactly.
theres something else that Ive wanted, and never took the chance to be so vulnerable.
and now, Ive become aware, and understand.
Thanks DAVE, your awesome!

July 14th, 2010, 03:43 PM
if you get a chance watch video the compass this is the trailer here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YboyRujx6e4)it is a good video abut life

July 14th, 2010, 05:13 PM