November 15th, 2009, 10:14 PM
Well im West Virginia and would love to learn. I want to learn to BASE JUMP. I would love to knw what gear to buy and were to get it and what you think works best. THANKS

November 15th, 2009, 10:51 PM
Lots of folks in WVa. Seek em out at DZs and on here. Skydive - a lot.

Read all the articles.

Your lack of spelling skill is forgiven since you're infantry.

Git some.

November 15th, 2009, 10:54 PM
Thanks who should i contact or what. I have never jumped out of a plane but i want to learn to base jump bad.

November 15th, 2009, 11:05 PM
#1. Read this: Getting Into BASE - BASE Jumping:: BLiNC Magazine Forums (http://www.blincmagazine.com/forum/wiki/Getting_Into_BASE)

#2. Go here (or somewhere closer)

Tri-State Skydivers, USPA Group Member, Lawerence County Airpark (http://www.tristateskydivers.com/dropzoneinfo/infomain.asp)

Sign up for AFF.

Get 200 skydives without killing yourself and report back. That's where you start dude. You don't just go BASE jumping - doesn't work like that.

Pay your dues learning to fly a canopy...then go to Bridge Day and take a FJC. By then you'll know just enough to be dangerous.

November 16th, 2009, 12:21 PM
200 minimum I'd say... im getting up to there and personally feel no where near the standard of tackling some of the terminal walls and the like. Tracking maybe but canopy skills... no way. Its best to be honest with your own abilities at the end of the day!

If you really want to BASE then learn on a big 7 cell canopy and practice drills and accuracy, then get all the CRW ratings you can. Well thats what I'm doing anyways... I always shun the demons that tell me to downsize too! In a few more jumps time Im going to start skydiving a BASE canopy to get completely used to it.

Im looking at getting 300 to 500 jumps before I attend an FJC on a bridge, I can then progress within my abilities rather than jumping technical places that have shitty landing areas and not having the canopy skills to land! Besides that skydiving is fun especially when you have a long term goal... sure I jump a huge canopy but its all part of the master plan.

Thought Id post as I am looking to BASE but one thing at a time... Im sticking with skydiving and practicing BASE specific drills under canopy and in the air; balloon jumps, helicopter jumps... Also enrolled on a platform diving course cos I like wearing tight speedos and it will also help with sub terminal body control!

Hope it all goes well mate and let us know when you do you AFF

Take Care
