View Full Version : The penalty for this should be loss of citizenship...
November 13th, 2009, 01:54 AM
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November 13th, 2009, 12:38 PM
What a fucking douchebag. How tiny does your cock need to be to do some shit like this?
Put his ass in Kunar and he'd piss down his leg with every breath.
November 13th, 2009, 03:17 PM
What a dick ! His punishment really should be a one way ticket to Parris Island and a forced 8 year active duty enlistment as a cook. He's still young enough to make the age cut-off.
November 13th, 2009, 03:45 PM
The JACKASS pleaded not guilty in court. I left a comment. I urge others to do the same. Here's a link to the story.
Alleged Marine imposter pleads not guilty | Inland News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California (
November 13th, 2009, 04:24 PM
I originally considered an Afghanistan tour on the front lines as a fitting punishment for this guy. But then I thought... would I want this piece of sh!t covering my back. Not for one second...
The troops currently serving don't deserve to have this guy anywhere near them, except for a quick 1-on-1 sparring match. Harvey, do you want round 1?
November 13th, 2009, 04:26 PM
I'd knock that fat fucking double chin right out from under his cock holster.
November 13th, 2009, 04:56 PM
I never said anything about him serving in a combat MOS. Although I think my idea of him serving 10-20,000 hours of community service seeing to the needs of hospitalized veterans to be better yet. He should also have to wear a shirt that says "I'm here because I was caught impersonating a combat veteran" while performing the community service.
November 13th, 2009, 09:32 PM
As long as he wears that shirt, we'll call it good!
November 14th, 2009, 11:16 AM
As a Marine I find this kind of person to be a top notch douche cock. I'm of the opinion that any punishment that is meant to humiliate him would serve no purpose as he obviously has no self esteem or self respect if he feels the need to impersonate veterans to make himself feel better. I do however think that it would be fitting for him to have his ass beat by a bunch of pissed off Marines to within an inch of his life. After that I personally wouldn't care if the entire issue was dropped. That's generally how most of the punishments that I've seen in the infantry go... someone fucks up, they get their ass beat, and then its dropped. But then again.... this guy is spectacularly gay... so maybe some ass beating and then jail time where he has to wear a maid outfit and be roomed with a big guy named Bubba would do the trick.
November 14th, 2009, 03:44 PM
i just find it so fuckin weird that a 39 year old man pulls some shit like this? early teenage years can be confusing as far as identity for some kids but a fuckin grown ass man?
i agree that he needs to get his fuckin ASS beat by some hardcore marines. what a fuckin sissy carny bitch. i am AD coast guard myself, and find this offensive and fucking rediculous.
November 18th, 2009, 11:44 PM
Lets use him for target practice. What an ass.
November 19th, 2009, 12:30 AM
I say this as a ten year vet, it doesn't bother me that he did this. excepting of course what a fucking loser he must be. It's nothing special to be stupid enough to have been sent to some shit hole, get shot at, and get back. Even my dumb ass could do that. But what kind of a loser would say they did, if they didn't. There are lots of things I wish I had done, but not many that I would lie about doing. Either do it or not, but to impersonate is just what some loser piece of shit does. Fuck him, he's not important enough to even acknowledge.
November 19th, 2009, 04:47 AM
The fairy grin that he has on his face in the picture above does make him look exceptionally light in the loafers though.
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