View Full Version : Math Equations and Physics you use for Basejumping

October 5th, 2009, 07:01 PM
Hey guys,

I have a math/physic projects and I was wondering exactly what equations you should use while basejumping. I would like it to be in meters, but feet is cool, I'll just switch it. Thanks for the help and take it easy guys.

Bobby aka: JTwo.

P.S. Thanks for allowing me to join the boards.

October 6th, 2009, 03:42 AM
The only "actual" equation I have used is pythagoras theorem for calculating the height of objects whilst using a laser. I then have used data charts (with other considerations of course) in distances v delays etc.

If you use the search function on this board with the term "equations", you will find a few posts that have various equations in that people have used to aid their judgements.