View Full Version : need to be told straight?

September 15th, 2009, 07:47 AM
basically iv never even done a skydive, but iv been looking at it and think it looks amazing and definately something i wanna do. But my problem is cash, do i need to have loads of money be able to do it?

September 15th, 2009, 11:09 AM
Go HERE (http://www.uspa.org/BecomeaSkydiver/ChooseaSchool/tabid/437/Default.aspx) to find a location near you and talk to them.

September 17th, 2009, 10:40 AM
You do need good chunk of money to get started. The AFF course you have to take costs around $12-1500 and you'll want your own gear eventually and that's pricey.

September 17th, 2009, 02:02 PM
You do need good chunk of money to get started. The AFF course you have to take costs around $12-1500 and you'll want your own gear eventually and that's pricey.

Good thing BASE isn't skydiving, cause then it would be spendy! In BASE you make the initial investment in gear and none in training. If you survive and become a BASE jumper, then all the other expenses go away. It's awesome. Everyone else pays for flights all over the world and gas, too, but not BASE jumpers. We're just too cool for money.

If money's the factor and you really want to BASE jump, you'll find a way to fund it.
