View Full Version : Lost UT Jumper

September 13th, 2009, 01:37 PM
Who is it?

And if you don't read BJ.com - SAR needs a headshot.

September 13th, 2009, 02:49 PM

September 13th, 2009, 05:49 PM

September 13th, 2009, 09:32 PM
Well shit.

September 13th, 2009, 09:59 PM
Does anyone know anything else? What's with the GPS movement 18 miles away? Stitch, how are you doing?

September 14th, 2009, 10:04 AM
is this Leroy DB her on BLiNC?

September 14th, 2009, 10:15 AM

September 15th, 2009, 09:42 AM
A few years back I was teaching deaf Shone to do a dirty tard-over. The dude's deaf so I did not speak a word. That Leroy guy was observing us from 10 feet away very curious about the situation. In any case, Shone did his first tard-over (also first unpacked jump). He actually turned it onto a marry-poppins because he told me if it was OK to hold the tarp above his head for a few seconds. Why not?

A few loads go up and a few hours later I saw Leroy re-emerging from the canyon with his right hand all bloody. Jesus Christ Leroy did you get hurt on landing, I asked. No, the dude got hurt on deployment after his first tard-over. It turned out that my no-speech lesson to deaf Shone was also Leroy's instruction as well! What Leroy missed is that you stow the lines between your fingers, not COIL the motherfuckers around your hand!

I like that Leroy guy!

September 16th, 2009, 12:36 AM
Does anyone know anything else? What's with the GPS movement 18 miles away? Stitch, how are you doing?
-C.I'm okay so far. Lots of bizarre turns in this situation.

Adam says you should go fuck yourself. :rolleyes:

September 18th, 2009, 02:20 PM

Sorry guys!!

It's been a rough year.....

September 18th, 2009, 04:22 PM
I just returned from examaning the gear. The conclusion is a total. High speed impact with nothing out. Both closing loops were broke clean thru. The slider was still up and there was a partial main stow. Brakes were set and toggles stowed. It was instant, he didn't suffer.

September 18th, 2009, 10:39 PM
theres more. youre too matter of fact. there has to be something.


where was the pc?

did he exit from the correct location?

where was the body found?

what alt?

there are still tons of holes and missing information with this unfortunate incident.

fly free leroydb. bummer.

September 19th, 2009, 05:45 AM
theres more. youre too matter of fact. there has to be something.


where was the pc?

did he exit from the correct location?

where was the body found?

what alt?

there are still tons of holes and missing information with this unfortunate incident.

fly free leroydb. bummer.
No Shit! I want to know more details as well. I think everyone needs to know for many, many reasons....

September 19th, 2009, 06:59 AM
My apologies for being too matter of fact. Unfortunately this hasn't been the best two weeks of my life.

WSbase ? Yes, the front of the suit was destroyed.

PC location ? It was out. Although I'm under the assunpstion that the medical examiner probably pulled it out when they removed his gear. Was it a PC in tow ? Perhaps. But since there was no witnesses and his video camera was more or less destroyed we may never know. The Sheriff's department confiscated the camera to send to a lab for a possible reconstruction of the tape

Exit point ? West wall. Not the best choice. The general idea is that he got the west exit and south exit confused. I have been told it is 600'-700' from exit to impact. Although I am not certain.

Where was the body found ? About 75'-100' down the talus from the ledge.

I did the best I could with the evaluation of the gear. Nobody else I asked wanted to handle the gear for obvious reasons but it had to be done. Sorry for being such a dissapointment and not being able to provide the exact details.

September 19th, 2009, 08:25 AM
Not a disappointment bro. You've pretty much attained epic status through your actions. You stepped up where many did not and many more would not even if they could.

You have done a great thing Stitch. From beginning to end.

If anyone draws any disappoinment from your actions, they can suck my balls after they field a throat punch.

September 19th, 2009, 09:35 AM
My apologies for being too matter of fact. Unfortunately this hasn't been the best two weeks of my life.

WSbase ? Yes, the front of the suit was destroyed.

PC location ? It was out. Although I'm under the assunpstion that the medical examiner probably pulled it out when they removed his gear. Was it a PC in tow ? Perhaps. But since there was no witnesses and his video camera was more or less destroyed we may never know. The Sheriff's department confiscated the camera to send to a lab for a possible reconstruction of the tape

Exit point ? West wall. Not the best choice. The general idea is that he got the west exit and south exit confused. I have been told it is 600'-700' from exit to impact. Although I am not certain.

Where was the body found ? About 75'-100' down the talus from the ledge.

I did the best I could with the evaluation of the gear. Nobody else I asked wanted to handle the gear for obvious reasons but it had to be done. Sorry for being such a dissapointment and not being able to provide the exact details.

I give you massive cudo's for stepping up to something that will probably be the most difficult thing in your life.
I appreciate you sharing this information with us all.

I do have a question that does not seem to add up in my head:

if the wall was 700' to impact MAX, and you found the body 100' horizontally from the edge. And he had a wingsuit on, how did he not get further away before impact.

I do not know the exact math, but I would assume that with talus elevation drop, and forward momentum alone, without a wingsuit would have create >100' of horizontal separation.

Then I would assume there would be another 10' to 100' of momentum to carry the jumper further down the talus even more. Right?

September 19th, 2009, 11:23 AM
Hey, guys. I get the need to know the specifics, but can we maybe give Stitch a breather for a couple of days? Not only did he go through hell for over a week, it ended with something few of us have ever had to do. He might appreciate a return to normallcy and the chance to relax and recouperate a bit.

September 19th, 2009, 11:56 AM
Mick, I don't know how to answer those questions because I have never had much interest in wingsuits. Maybe Johnny, Avery, or Uncle Charlie can offer some insight. I was never at the actual site where the body was recovered. I only was shown photos from the scene. Perhaps the lower ledge extends a good deal farther than indicated in the photos.

Colin, while I do really appreciate your thoughts. I find it much easier to deal with this situation if I keep myself occupied. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.

September 19th, 2009, 11:58 AM
Colin, while I do really appreciate your thoughts. I find it much easier to deal with this situation if I keep myself occupied. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.


September 19th, 2009, 03:22 PM
Not a disappointment bro. You've pretty much attained epic status through your actions. You stepped up where many did not and many more would not even if they could.

You have done a great thing Stitch. From beginning to end.

If anyone draws any disappoinment from your actions, they can suck my balls after they field a throat punch.


September 22nd, 2009, 03:47 PM
I think it was misunderstood, the cliff is seven seconds to impacting a good size ledge. Stitch is saying he was found underneath said ledge, "75-100 feet down the talus of the ledge", not the exit point.

September 22nd, 2009, 05:22 PM
I think it was misunderstood, the cliff is seven seconds to impacting a good size ledge. Stitch is saying he was found underneath said ledge, "75-100 feet down the talus of the ledge", not the exit point.
Thank you so much for that. This makes more sense now.