View Full Version : Air Assault
April 10th, 2009, 10:40 AM
Off I go. Leave Sunday - Start Zero Day on Tuesday.
Was hoping to somehow get younger before I left. Didn't happen.
See you in 2 weeks asshats.
April 10th, 2009, 12:08 PM
Off I go. Leave Sunday - Start Zero Day on Tuesday.
Was hoping to somehow get younger before I left. Didn't happen.
See you in 2 weeks asshats.
Use the Farce Harvey! In the words of the wise Jedei Yoda...,"do or do not, there is no try".
Johnny Utah
April 14th, 2009, 06:14 AM
pain is just a signal
April 25th, 2009, 11:51 AM
April 25th, 2009, 02:47 PM
LMAO! Congrats you crazy bastard! I bet you hurt!
April 25th, 2009, 08:50 PM
>>Did you have fun playing with helicopters and ropes and all that?
April 26th, 2009, 10:12 AM
Off I go. Leave Sunday - Start Zero Day on Tuesday.
Was hoping to somehow get younger before I left. Didn't happen.
See you in 2 weeks asshats.
April 26th, 2009, 10:50 AM
Graduated Friday after a miserable 12-mile ruck at 0400, which sounds fine, but it was like 50 degrees an 90% humidity.
I'm Back home, legs elevated, Blondie pampering me, whining like a bitch.
I always used to tease AASLT guys. I take it all back! Airborne was a complete joke in comparison.
That little course sucked balls. Glad I went though - don't like sending my kids to schools I'm not willing to go to.
April 26th, 2009, 10:57 AM
Graduated Friday after a miserable 12-mile ruck at 0400, which sounds fine, but it was like 50 degrees an 90% humidity.
I'm Back home, legs elevated, Blondie pampering me, whining like a bitch.
I always used to tease AASLT guys. I take it all back! Airborne was a complete joke in comparison.
That little course sucked balls. Glad I went though - don't like sending my kids to schools I'm not willing to go to.
hope to get my chance to go in the future... but yes... abn school is candy... run around... learn to fall... 250' purpose built jump tower, and free plane rides to jump out... cake...
addded: congrats old man
Johnny Utah
April 26th, 2009, 11:10 AM
Graduated Friday after a miserable 12-mile ruck at 0400, which sounds fine, but it was like 50 degrees an 90% humidity.
I'm Back home, legs elevated, Blondie pampering me, whining like a bitch.
I always used to tease AASLT guys. I take it all back! Airborne was a complete joke in comparison.
That little course sucked balls. Glad I went though - don't like sending my kids to schools I'm not willing to go to.
damn Harvey that sounds like it was brutal... congrats!
April 26th, 2009, 11:24 AM
I always used to tease AASLT guys. I take it all back! Airborne was a complete joke in comparison.
That little course sucked balls
>>Ahhh, me ballads
April 26th, 2009, 12:17 PM
Of course airborne school is a joke, hell the gals that are military intelligence go through that course (I still have no idea WHY they do).
Seriously Harvey, nice job. There are 19-20 year old pukes in the active that don't have the balls to even try airborne let alone assault school. My hats off to you sir!
April 26th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Any hot chicks doing that thing or ya were all sucking cocks?
April 26th, 2009, 03:41 PM
218 started - 140 graduated.
2 females started, but didn't make it past the Zero Day obstacle course.
So yeah, it was a sausage fest.
April 26th, 2009, 04:46 PM
I always used to tease AASLT guys. I take it all back! Airborne was a complete joke in comparison.
That little course sucked balls. Glad I went though - don't like sending my kids to schools I'm not willing to go to.Hmmm. Well I guess it really is true that age makes a difference. I thought the course was a joke in '86. But I was also a mere 20 years old. Now I really feel old. Thanks alot Harvey.
April 26th, 2009, 05:41 PM
Of course airborne school is a joke, hell the gals that are military intelligence go through that course (I still have no idea WHY they do).
Seriously Harvey, nice job. There are 19-20 year old pukes in the active that don't have the balls to even try airborne let alone assault school. My hats off to you sir!
With that being said, I know plenty of females that can and would kick a bunch of today's wussy ass "men."
April 26th, 2009, 05:42 PM
218 started - 140 graduated.
2 females started, but didn't make it past the Zero Day obstacle course.
So yeah, it was a sausage fest.
78 didnt make it? wow.... its not like its ranger, SFAS or the "Q"
April 26th, 2009, 07:39 PM
Tell me about it.
Lost 40 something on zero day. 16 on the slingload hands-on test. and onesy twoseys here and there for injuries and academics.
4 failed the 12-miler on graduation day. Now THAT sucks.
April 26th, 2009, 07:48 PM
The obstacle course takes out the majority on the 1st day. Used to be you got 2 chances at each obstacle. F'up those 2 chances and you're gone. Anybody assigned to Ft.Campbell in combat arms that flunks out just gets keep on being sent back till they complete the course.
That's the difference between Air Assault and Airborne schools as I've always understood it. Fail Airborne school and they change your orders and send you to a non-airborne unit. Fail Air Assaut school and they just send you back to wherever you came from. Only personnel assigned to one of the three combat brigades of the 101st are actually required to have an Air Assault badge.
April 26th, 2009, 07:50 PM
I think we did a 12 miler on the first day of R.I.P. course just to see who really wanted to be there. I could be wrong, that whole period of my life is one giant blur....seriously. One day I showed up at indoc and WHAM, next thing you know I'm pinning on a ranger tab. I seriously have very little memory of that whole fiasco.
As to some women passing I know EXACTLY what you are saying. Then again I sometimes wondered how some dudes who, at the ripe old age of 19, still didn't know their right foot from their left foot.
April 26th, 2009, 07:52 PM
Only personnel assigned to one of the three combat brigades of the 101st are actually required to have an Air Assault badge.
not technically true, but mostly true. :-)
April 26th, 2009, 08:03 PM
Yeah, it's not required anywhere anymore really...per se. But I'm not a 101st guy, so can't really speak to that.
And yeah, still the same. 2 trys on obstacles - but here's the thing, they smoke the shit out of you before the course and in between each obstacle. The o-course itself is a joke. But when you're in muscle failure, it opens your eyes a bit.
I think the high attrition rate is due to coming in unprepared. It's only 10 days afterall...p'shaw.
April 26th, 2009, 08:10 PM
that and they say it is more mental than anything
April 26th, 2009, 08:26 PM
The tests at Pathfinder were a hell of a lot harder, but they were along that vein.
April 26th, 2009, 08:30 PM
then again, I doubt that you are the normal "joe" and don't have an asvab of 50....
so I am saying you prob. had less issues with the material than most...
April 27th, 2009, 12:13 AM
HAHAHAH! Rest up bacon grease! in 6 days you'll be packing and doing tandems for your first time! 12 of them! BWAHAHAHAHA. And I'll have one of the cracking whips!
This is going to be great.
April 27th, 2009, 12:58 AM
Man, I wish I could be there to see the Bacon Grease/Harry Troll show! You guys have fun and be safe! Remember you ain't having fun unless someone is getting T-Bagged at the party afterwards!
April 27th, 2009, 07:43 AM
Of course airborne school is a joke, hell the gals that are military intelligence go through that course
the same gals go through air assault school too.
congrats Harvey. "ten toughest days in the army".. haha, not quite, but it's a good course.:p
April 27th, 2009, 01:19 PM
Only personnel assigned to one of the three combat brigades of the 101st are actually required to have an Air Assault badge.
not technically true, but mostly true. :-)My bad Drill Sergeant Pac-Rat. Please don't hurt me. You're right spoons aren't required to go to Air Assualt school.
May 1st, 2009, 12:52 PM
Yet one more reason for creative ways of answering the question over and over and over..."What are all those?"
Asked by people surprisingly high in rank....
These are my qualifications.
May 1st, 2009, 05:11 PM
[QUOTE=leroydb;80089]My bad Drill Sergeant Pac-Rat. Please don't hurt me. You're right spoons aren't required to go to Air Assualt school.
I am not the average pac rat, being where I have been for the last 11 yrs... :D I like the outdoors, shooting, adventure stuff...
with all due respect, Mr. Truck Driver, Not everyone can be a Drill Sergeant though... :eek:
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