View Full Version : Question

March 17th, 2009, 06:07 PM
I am in the process of interviewing, Blinc founder and all around cool guy, Mick Knutson.

He has told me to ask anyone about a 'Knutson'.

So I am asking.

Who has the answer to that question or a Mick story they would like to share with me for the interview.

Thanks for your help,


March 18th, 2009, 12:29 AM
I am in the process of interviewing, Blinc founder and all around cool guy, Mick Knutson.

He has told me to ask anyone about a 'Knutson'.

So I am asking.

Who has the answer to that question or a Mick story they would like to share with me for the interview.

Thanks for your help,


Ask Para_Frog, he'd love to help you.

March 18th, 2009, 09:03 AM
As I said, "Mick said to ask anyone".

The article will be published on Blinc, as Mick's goal is to bring more content to the site.

Apparently, he holds no prejudice towards non-jumpers and is more interested in presenting B.A.S.E in a positive light.

Thanks for your suggestion, I am sure it was well thought out.

March 18th, 2009, 11:48 AM
Let me throw you a bone Miss Guzman. I'm getting soft in my old age.

No one has a prejudice against non-jumpers. Let me caveat that statement: Non-jumpers who recognize the emotional, physical, and mental sacrifices that have been made by those who do BASE jump.

Your enthusiasm is admirable. But you must temper it with an understanding of your perspective.

A story:

A while back, there was another enthusiastic person who came on the boards. Her name is Karen (Ether). She did a hell of a lot of homework. (Granted, her ambition was to actually enter BASE at some point, she is a skydiver) She would interject her opinion from time to time based upon her research and from getting to know some of the jumpers. She got some ribbing here and there and took it like a champ.

What she did NOT do was minimize any jumper's lack of substance simply based on the fact that they may have disapproved of her perspective.

She became well-liked. Some guys even played a little joke on her and everyone had big laughs, her included.

Some of the very people you choose to disparage have a great deal of substance, and from other things outside the sport. A great deal of them are women. Naturally they would be insulted when you cross that line - ESPECIALLY from where you sit.

You have set yourself back in this regard. And taking the sexual innuendo approach did little to help the level of respect I'm sure you feel you are entitled to. Any female can get a rise (excuse the verbiage) out of a bunch of horny BASE jumpers, but there will be an accompanying lack of respect. It set the female members of our "men's club" back about 50 years in the culture wars.

Change your approach. Understand that you are an outsider (nothing wrong with that). And respect those who are already here.

Many think I'm an asshole - and gathering from your email, you are no different. Let me I assure you, my personality online is precisely the same in person. I call a fair game - and am not known to blow smoke up people's asses. If that makes me an asshole - I'll still manage to sleep at night. I'm not here to get laid or to be liked. I'm here because I love this sport and its eclectic mix of participants. I am also known for loyalty, my willingness to help jumpers from every ability group in whatever they need, and an unnatural ability to consume premium tequila. I have made missteps (ask Avery) for which I made amends. Not because I necessarily liked someone, but because I respected their position in the sport.

You have something to contribute, and that is a good thing. Just be cognizant of your audience. And position yourself to be respected. In that regard, you have pulled epic fail - but everything in the world is available for do-over.

P.S. I have no earthly idea what a knutson is. Not sure I want to.

March 18th, 2009, 11:56 AM
Now that we know all about you and your opinions, does anyone know what "a knutson" is?

By the way, nice call out on my given name which I don't use professionally. Stalk much?

March 18th, 2009, 11:59 AM
You're off to a good start. Good luck in your endeavors.

(your blast of facebook invites gave you away. Didn't take any effort on my part)

March 18th, 2009, 12:22 PM
I have never encountered anyone who spews about honor, integrity, loyalty and yet is a blatant liar.

Stay out of my life!!!!

Is that clear enough for you?

I have never contacted you. Period.

You are showing signs of delusion and obsession the way you continue to focus your attention on me. It's creepy.

My Facebook is for family and close friends only. Thanks for letting me know you have looked into it. I will block you from doing so in the future.

March 18th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Hmmm. OK. I'm sorry I tried to help. My original assumption is correct.

You are a bat-shit-crazy psycho bitch.

I never saw your facebook page cybill. You're plastered all over my friends pages. Your name is on it.

Never contacted me? Besides the friend invites, see attached. Ask the voices in your head - maybe they remember.

Came into YOUR life? I been here a while nutbag.

Go die.

March 18th, 2009, 12:40 PM

You are one sick, preoccupied bastard.

So tell me, if the police ran a check on the IP address used to create that account, would it be coming from your home?

Go sell your crazy elsewhere loser.

My friends whom I associate with in B.A.S.E know who I am as a person and they also know what a liar you are in your foolish attempts to scare me off.

You are a sad, sad little man.

I am done trying to reason here with the unreasonable. I have no time for your fragile ego or twisted games.

If someone with a reputation for being an honest source of reference has a story to share regarding Mick or the answer to the question he posed to me, please feel free to send me a PM.

Thank You.

March 18th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Now that we know all about you and your opinions, does anyone know what "a knutson" is?

I actually value his opinion!

March 18th, 2009, 01:36 PM
P.S. I have no earthly idea what a knutson is. Not sure I want to.
You have just NOT jumped with me enough then....
LOL. I am IN-Famous for such a thing....

March 18th, 2009, 01:37 PM
I admit. I'm a little scared to find out now.

Johnny Utah
March 18th, 2009, 02:07 PM
I have never encountered anyone who spews about honor, integrity, loyalty and yet is a blatant liar.

Stay out of my life!!!!

Is that clear enough for you?

I have never contacted you. Period.

You are showing signs of delusion and obsession the way you continue to focus your attention on me. It's creepy.

My Facebook is for family and close friends only. Thanks for letting me know you have looked into it. I will block you from doing so in the future.


You are one sick, preoccupied bastard.

So tell me, if the police ran a check on the IP address used to create that account, would it be coming from your home?

Go sell your crazy elsewhere loser.

My friends whom I associate with in B.A.S.E know who I am as a person and they also know what a liar you are in your foolish attempts to scare me off.

You are a sad, sad little man.

I am done trying to reason here with the unreasonable. I have no time for your fragile ego or twisted games.

If someone with a reputation for being an honest source of reference has a story to share regarding Mick or the answer to the question he posed to me, please feel free to send me a PM.

Thank You.

first of all, don't have a tizzy fit.

We all know and love Harvey, after all he's an honest man and one of the most grounded in reality in the base community.

how do you expect that we are going to take these post you just made? you don't base jump, you're new here, and now you're going a bit nuts on one of our good friends who was just trying to give you some good advice.

March 18th, 2009, 02:21 PM
Anyone else lost here?

March 18th, 2009, 03:00 PM
I am a little. Think there's a missing rant in here somewhere.

March 18th, 2009, 03:12 PM
I think there is more than a rant missing. :D

March 18th, 2009, 03:28 PM
first of all, don't have a tizzy fit.

We all know and love Harvey, after all he's an honest man and one of the most grounded in reality in the base community.

how do you expect that we are going to take these post you just made? you don't base jump, you're new here, and now you're going a bit nuts on one of our good friends who was just trying to give you some good advice.


I asked a simple question on this forum, "what is a 'knutson'?" Did Harvey answer that question or did he instead make me the topic of his post?

This man has been harassing me for almost 3 months now. Tell me what words would you use to tell him to "fuck off" and let it go?

He is a blatant liar, who apparently is more than a little obsessive.

He has had member's from another forum basically tell him to "shut up" already. So like a child, he claimed he was leaving the forum if I was going to continue to publish to that forum.

Now, here I am after exchanging a lengthy questionnaire with Mr. Knutson told to find out the answer from "anyone" and there is Harvey ready to give me his advice and opinions when I have not solicited it. I have exchanged 1 PM with this man on the other forum, in which I told him I did not want his advice. For this I am constantly dogged by him.

Perhaps that is his problem. That I solicit advice from others and chose to ignore his. Or perhaps he is upset because he does have mutual friends that have embraced my presence on the forums and whom I have invited into my private life. Or perhaps he can't handle "erotica" or the people that write that form of literature.

Whatever his problem is, it's his issue not mine. There is no reason he has to read, comment or view anything that has to do with me professionally or personally.

I have produced positive pieces regarding people who participate in B.A.S.E. I have taken my time in learning about the individuals I write about and presenting a real sense of who they are, not just what they do.

A bit nuts?

You don't find his behavior a bit nuts. He has devoted whole posts to dissing me. He obviously is so obsessed that he found and used my given name to make a point that he had discovered it. He posts fake emails, make false accusations and this is normal?

Tell me is stating "Go Die" normal adult behavior? Sounds all very childish. As if someone isn't happy because he didn't get his way.

Kudos to you Johnny for catching the "tizzy" part. No one else has every picked up on that one.:)

Thank you also to you and Mick for allowing me to have my say on the issue at hand. Best regards to you.

PS) You are correct I don't base jump, but then Mick told me it wasn't a requirement in writing for the forum. Nor has it ever been a requirement for me having friends that do jump.

March 18th, 2009, 03:36 PM
Wow. Who in your life told you that you were that important?

I stopped posting over there because the moderators didn't control your shitting on people who disagreed with you and deleted their posts.

Had nothing else to do with you. But I will admit - I hate crazy people. Zero tolerance for them, so I'm having a ball here.

"Go Die" was made famous by Abbie Mashaal. If you knew shit - you would know THAT.

I'm going to go back to sitting in my dark room plotting your destruction now. Lots of work to do. [/crazy]

March 18th, 2009, 03:43 PM
I actually thought Harvey's initial response to this thread was well thought out, tactful and professional. Hell, he even complimented you once or twice. It didn't take the downward spiral until you quipped back and dismissed what I thought was friendly advice. Even then he restrained himself in his next response.

Face it, you walked into a forum of people who are passionate about what they do and have frequently dismissed their ideals as an outsider...a perspective that is quite new and based on much different foundations than that of BASE's participants.


March 18th, 2009, 03:44 PM
I have never encountered anyone who spews about honor, integrity, loyalty and yet is a blatant liar.

Stay out of my life!!!!

Is that clear enough for you?

I have never contacted you. Period.

You are showing signs of delusion and obsession the way you continue to focus your attention on me. It's creepy.

My Facebook is for family and close friends only. Thanks for letting me know you have looked into it. I will block you from doing so in the future.
Awwww Harvey you made a friend.

March 18th, 2009, 03:45 PM
The hit counter is spinning like a top. I may very well be in love here.

March 18th, 2009, 03:50 PM
I am just having a great time reading this.

March 18th, 2009, 03:57 PM
Re: [] Interview: Sonic Discusses the BASER
What is the world coming to, a non-jumper talking to a 10-jump-wonder about base jumping.

damn, you beat me to it..... someone who doesn't jump interviewing someone who doesn't jump.http://www.basejumper.com/images/forum/crazy.gif

http://www.basejumper.com/images/forum/clear_shim.gif http://www.basejumper.com/images/forum/clear_shim.gif http://www.basejumper.com/images/forum/clear_shim.gif
Para_Frog (http://www.basejumper.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?username=Para_Frog;) Mar 3, 2009, 10:41 PM
Post #14 of 72 (1139 views)

Re: [] Interview: Sonic Discusses the BASER That was the exact point at which this site completely and finally jumped the shark.

Tom had a few failings, but at least he showed some loyalty to the core of this site. Not favoritism to a disrespectful, obviously obsessed, and slightly disturbed passerby who has been enabled as the defacto expert on BASE. Hilarious and sad at the same time.

I'm out.

Wwarped...delete my account and everything associated with it. I'll ask Jay too.


You really need to go back and delete all the things you said that you now
claim you didn't.

That's the thing about the internet, it leaves trails everywhere.

And NO I am not that important, but you sure have made me seem as if I am. The focus should be on the people in the interviews and their passion for B.A.S.E.

All your efforts in ranting and raving, foot stomping and posing. Constantly offering up your advice and opinions on me. Someone that you have never met, never spoken too and have no clue about.

But I guess your behavior is acceptable because you jump, therefore you must be telling the truth and know what you are talking about. Wonder if that carries any weight in the real world, off of these forums.

Mick I won't comment any longer as I respect you and your site. I do not feel I need to defend myself or explain myself further. I came to you as a freelance writer, not to go under the knife on this forum.

Peace to you all, Be Well

March 18th, 2009, 04:17 PM
But I guess your behavior is acceptable because you jump, therefore you must be telling the truth and know what you are talking about. Wonder if that carries any weight in the real world, off of these forums.

It carries a LOT of weight! I don't know him and I've never met him but just based on the posts I've seen him make, I have no problem in believing that he knows what he's talking about.

Mick I won't comment any longer as I respect you and your site. I do not feel I need to defend myself or explain myself further. I came to you as a freelance writer, not to go under the knife on this forum.

Peace to you all, Be Well

And herein lies the problem; you won't go away. You stay around trying desperately to make people give you the respect you deserve, problem is, you haven't done anything to earn any respect.

March 18th, 2009, 04:47 PM
I came to you as a freelance writer

So how much are you getting paid over on basejumper.com? Here I was posting and contributing for free like a sucker. Actually, I'd be willing to pay to keep all that nonsense out of here (but don't press your luck Mick ;))

March 18th, 2009, 04:47 PM
How about you go delete them since you seem to have the time to drudge them up sweety. I ceratinly don't.

You're hostile with the crazy - you're hazy. You need Laid. I mean epic.

Go find the poll I made about post whores with bad self-esteem ending up on Abbie's loft couch. Can't believe you missed that one.

Post it here would ya? I like that one.

March 18th, 2009, 05:09 PM
I can procure some rabbits if anyone needs to boil them.

March 18th, 2009, 05:19 PM
Seriously, I just landed in LAX and I have a 3 hour sit before I go back to San Antonio and this shit has me cracking up!

Harvey, I'll never sit on Abbie's couch again. Ewwwwee!

Kolegas, say hi to my little brother if he ever gets his ass out there to work with you guys at Sin City!

March 18th, 2009, 08:16 PM
Hey tizzy bitch,

I don't know where you came from, but I know where you need to go.

Go fark yourself, you stupid bitch. And I'm not going to get banned from this site for telling you how I feel, even if it hurts your feelings.

If I didn't mention it before, go fark yourself.

March 19th, 2009, 01:41 AM
He is a blatant liar, who apparently is more than a little obsessive.

You are the liar. This is all turning very Aiello-esque with you spinning the story all around and going on the offensive as your defense. Chris Harvey is a stand up guy, 100%. We all actually KNOW each other over here. This isn't some typical internet forum like BJ where people only know the fake online personas of each other. You won't win a battle trying to condemn someone we all know in real life.

Aren't you trying to write about an INTERVIEW with Mick Knutson? By definition isn't that where you would talk to Mick, not solicit information from others about him? Talk to Mick and go write your INTERVIEW.

As far as I'm concerned, you could easily be some emo 14 year old lumpy pimpleface trying to gain some kind of popularity on the internet; I don't really care.

Enjoy your interview with Mick, he's pleasant to talk to, articulate, and has been jumping a long time.

Also enjoy the cake and punch next week at the birthday party.


March 19th, 2009, 03:18 AM
I am just having a great time reading this.

Ditto.... f'in ace stuff! :D

March 19th, 2009, 10:53 PM
"This man has been harassing me for almost 3 months now."

Since you've been such a whirlwind storm in this community, and you're new here to boot have you even considered the fact some might, *just might*, think the same of you? That you've been harassing the community, over stepping your bounds, putting your foot in your mouth, and not taking it constructively when people try to politely suggest you turn it down a notch?

March 23rd, 2009, 01:38 PM
What I find interesting is that you griped and griped about this person on BASEjumper.com and now you have continued the rants on here. Yet has anyone ever met this person or spoken to them? From what I understand, not even the interview subjects have met or spoken to this person. Everything is done through emails and personal messages.
For all anyone knows the FB account is a fraud with corresponding fake email accounts, etc. etc.
In which case, all your comments and griping posts make you “owned” by whoever is behind the profiles.
Making Blinc the home for Chris Harvey versus an imaginary TizzyLishNinja…talk about “jumping the shark”.
Now that would be hysterical and will go down in BASE jumping prank history.
I think I’ll start calling it “A Harvey” or “Pulling a Blinc” and see if it catches on.

March 23rd, 2009, 03:55 PM
Let us know how that turns out.

March 23rd, 2009, 11:38 PM
Let us know how that turns out.

And Harvey wins the "Lt. Congeniality" award again. Keep it up, Harvey and get back to writing the second installment.


April 3rd, 2009, 09:58 AM

April 3rd, 2009, 06:07 PM
I fucking love it!

July 13th, 2009, 03:49 PM
Bumpety fuckin bump. Because I'm a dick. And she threatened a friend's wife. Which graduates to the next and unacceptable level of crazy.

New contest - Split a bottle of Patron with the closest diagnosis based on all your PM's and shit from douchebag/daddy didn't love me/step daddy probably a little too much/batshit crazy. I'm sure they'll release the official one with the suicide report.

Here's mine:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder)

I think it's spot on. Discuss.

July 13th, 2009, 11:42 PM
She really is crazy.

July 14th, 2009, 12:34 AM


July 14th, 2009, 12:36 AM
sorry for second not intended post

July 14th, 2009, 07:49 AM
Does that say "Cock-mangler approved?"

Epic. I love it.

July 14th, 2009, 08:35 AM
to chris harvey

she didnt threaten bryans wife.
he sent me all the text that she sent him
you are a liar.

i am a base jumper and i think you should chill out with this shit

you are batshitcrazy as well..

you hate crazy people?
take a long hard look in the mirror bro

come to houston, and we can meet:D

July 14th, 2009, 08:44 AM
You deserve clarification since you're confused. And I think you jump, so I'll take the time.

Threatened to post shopped pictures of her on the internet. Not a physical threat - no, but that's a line not to cross.

Calling her out makes me crazy? OK bro. Whatever.

And you bet. I'll throw with anyone. Anytime. Fuckin love it. (Except psychowiki...I try to always be nice to him.)

So you're on. I'll even come to Houston - even though I hate that shithole.

Then if you're happy, we'll drink and jump.

Suck it.

July 14th, 2009, 09:02 AM
if you guys didnt act like such assholes she mightve not responded in such a way...
yeah, she doesnt base jump, but she originally wasnt trying to cause any harm to us jumpers or our sport.
i didnt invite you to houston to fight - being in the military you would probably kill me 3 times before i hit the ground.
i meant i wont hold any real judgement until i meet someone, and althought its hot as shit in houston, we have alot of sweet objects, so whatever..
all im trying to convey is that when treated like a person, cynthia is nice and helpful in my case..
when spoken to like a bitch, she gets upset, but who doesnt?
calling her out doesnt make you crazy, but i have noticed most of your posts these days have to do with slamming her in one way or another..

July 14th, 2009, 09:13 AM
if you guys didnt act like such assholes she mightve not responded in such a way...
yeah, she doesnt base jump, but she originally wasnt trying to cause any harm to us jumpers or our sport.

I hear you, but you're missing a big part of the early going. And what really set off the crazy alarm.

i didnt invite you to houston to fight - being in the military you would probably kill me 3 times before i hit the ground.

Usually, when someone puts a smiley after "let's meet" it means throw down. Nick DG to Nick R. a while back for instance. My bad.

i meant i wont hold any real judgement until i meet someone, and althought its hot as shit in houston, we have alot of sweet objects, so whatever..

I'll buy the Patron.

all im trying to convey is that when treated like a person, cynthia is nice and helpful in my case..

Did you read my initial response in this thread? Dude, I have been the nicest one in the lot.

when spoken to like a bitch, she gets upset, but who doesnt?

I admire you protecting your friend, but she is disrepectful of those in a world SHE came to for her own little erotic novel and has shit on a lot of serious players in our sport. I'm personally just having fun, because as I have stated for the record - I hate crazy people. I'll tell you why when we meet. That prejudice is a cross I bear willingly. Sorry.

calling her out doesnt make you crazy, but i have noticed most of your posts these days have to do with slamming her in one way or another..

Read more. I believe last night I was talking about Magot and full-face helmets and PC ocillations.


July 14th, 2009, 10:20 AM
Hey lcspx, I gotta back Para_Frog on this one, I started to get sucked into the drama early on, when it first started, and she crossed a lot of the respect lines. The way I dealt with it was by just ignoring her and not even opening all the batshitcrazy PM's she was sending me, while PF dealt with it more head on.

I really don't personally know either of them but I can't think of ANY situation where I would want Dizzy as a friend over Harvey.

July 14th, 2009, 12:01 PM
i also have a question. purely from an outsider's POV and having nothing to do with this...

but, has anyone here actually ever met this chick in person?

July 14th, 2009, 12:30 PM
Nope. For right or for wrong, all I have to go on is online personalities and PM's.

July 14th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Ok after reading through this whole thread, I now have a question.

Who took away this bitch's Midol??? :confused:

July 16th, 2009, 10:23 AM
this shit is insane.

i was thinking last night.

were making herself famous if nothing else...

too bad shes not a jumper, shed be pulling a pretty good magot.

cynthia lynn guzman i eat you babies!

July 16th, 2009, 02:51 PM
[ (Except psychowiki...I try to always be nice to him.)]

I hope never to meet this guy, he sounds a little dangerous.

July 16th, 2009, 05:27 PM
Some of you guys really need to learn the difference between internet world and real world. Real world Harvey is one of the best men I know. On the uther hand internet Harvey likes to stir the pot. You have to admit it's very entertaining. Harvey is a magnet for psycho internet base groupies.

July 19th, 2009, 10:04 AM
kiki can we put you in a cage match with this thing? I'd say its a cat fight but who knows?

is there any chance this person is a invented personality? anyone talk to her on phone or KNOW for CERTAIN she is real?

July 22nd, 2009, 02:01 PM
kiki can we put you in a cage match with this thing? I'd say its a cat fight but who knows?

is there any chance this person is a invented personality? anyone talk to her on phone or KNOW for CERTAIN she is real?

You provide the jello. Im too poor.