View Full Version : KnowledgeBASE :: BASE Wiki Contents

March 10th, 2008, 11:16 AM
After a lot of procrastinating and conflicts with work, I've managed to restore about 90% of the contents of Jaap's BASE Wiki. "Restore" has been a simple copy/paste from a copy of the BASE Wiki site, with limited editing, mainly to remove dead links. We've placed the contents of the Wiki in our Article Manager. As such, the articles are no longer in true 'wiki' format. There are a few reasons for this... The system on which Mick runs BLiNC has its own Article Manager and using this was more conducive to the site. It was also less work for us. Lastly, we intend to maintain an objective stance in the articles. Verbal diarhea and the associated strong opinions belong in the forums, not in the articles. But...that does not mean we are not open to differing opinions!!! If you see something you think is amiss...or rather DON'T see something that should be in an article, let us know! While we work out a process for submitting articles and additions to articles, feel free to PM me or start a thread in the "Customer Support / Announcements" forum. The KnowledgeBASE will be what you make it. There are a number of place-holders in there now, where content didn't exist on the old BASE Wiki site. Step up and write something!

April 6th, 2008, 02:14 PM
For sure a lot of work.

Thank you