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View Full Version : Skydiving Canopy

December 3rd, 2007, 10:31 AM
I am nearly through with student skydiving jumps, and I am looking to get my first ever parachute to do my 200+ jumps on. My whole focus in skydiving, at least for now, is preparing for BASE jumping. I know that I need to be jumping a large 7 cell F111 canopy, but I can't seem to find any. I've looked through classifieds more times than I can count (for price considerations, I would prefer good used gear), and I still couldn't even tell you the name of a canopy that qualifies. Could someone point me in the right direction here? This low aspect ratio thing is also tripping me up... I don't really even understand what it means. Every definition I find online is "the ratio of the span to the chord," but what exactly are span and chord? Answers I get at the dz are sketchy at best. I've also been asking around about CRW, since it is supposed to help with canopy control in tight spaces, and I'm getting pretty firm answers from everyone that I need to work on downsizing my canopy before getting into CRW, so as to be compatible with other jumpers, but this doesn't seem to mesh with the idea of jumping a larger canopy in preparation for BASE. I only have the money to get one main canopy to practice with while I get these jumps in... Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should be getting at this point? Or better yet, good used gear for sale? Thanks,

December 3rd, 2007, 01:21 PM
Initial impression is that you need to do a lot more research and learning about parachutes in general before you start purchasing gear. That's not a dig at you, it's just my first impression. A lot of what you talk about is very general information that you should know as a student.
One place to start (beyond just the USPA SIM) would be Brian Germain's "The Parachute and Its Pilot", available at a lot of DZ shops or Brian's website: http://www.bigairsportz.com/publishing.php
Beyond knowing what you "need to be jumping", you need to know WHY it applies.
Temper the enthusiasm to just go out and buy gear and do some research so that when you make a decision on what to get, it's an informed one, beyond just what someone recommends.

December 7th, 2007, 03:39 PM
Perhaps try and hunt down a Raven or a Cruislite or a fury, these would sell quite cheaply and give you a good canopy to get some experience on in skydiving environments if all you wanted to do was BASE afterwards. BUT, I would advise you stay in skydiving for a while, get some time in the sport and some exposure to canopy sports in a reasonably safe environment. You will have a lot of fun, learn alot about parachutes, and get some experience in the flip side of the fun of parachuting .

Just doing the magic 200 jumps is not the be all and end all. Get some exposure, it will give you a more grounded respect.

My 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000002

December 7th, 2007, 03:50 PM
David, first off, the replys you have gotten thus far are from veterans of the sport. Please take their advise.

From a standpoint of your canopy as well, get a Parachutists magazine and call Ralph to get a good 7-cell that you can use skydiving.

December 7th, 2007, 03:51 PM
£ 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000002

Which is what, Mac? The equivalent of US$3.45 or something these days, right?


December 7th, 2007, 04:22 PM
Skydiving ain't base jumping.

Get a 9-cell all z-po canopy, Sabres are cheap nowadays. 7 cells make for CRW, BASE, and reserves, and very boring rides.

You thank me later when you got to make it back from a long spot.

This thing about getting a 7-cell in preparation for BASE is horsecrap, uless at your home DZ they let you pull at 400' no questions asked...very few of those left nowadays. I'm almost getting banned from pulling at 2K! Fucking whuffos.

Learn to fly a trap any tarp first. Get the right tool for the job.

I would not dare to jump anything bigger than 100SF in skydiving, unless I'm doing CRW...and tandem...gee even tandem canopies are way oversized...where that's 280 Icarus FX tandem?

Bottom line is this: If you got two tarps, one is for fun and one is for living. If you got one tarp then it's just for living, yes you can have some fun with it but it ain't going to be a 500' swoop.

Fly like you stole it, hook it like you mean it!

December 7th, 2007, 04:47 PM
Learn to fly a trap any tarp first. Get the right tool for the job.

Never thought I would say this as its normally about man love, but I think NN71 has a good point, getting time under any canopy is good news. Get as much experience as possible on a range of canopies, as it all helps. Just concentrate on specific skills and specific canopies when the need arises.

December 8th, 2007, 08:38 AM
Thanks guys,
Appreciate the advice, and will do. I ordered the book today, and will probably read it about five times. All that canopy swooping looks like it's the sh**, and hopefully I'll be doing it one day, but BASE jumping is the side of parachuting that really gets me excited! I don't mind taking it slow though ...I want to be around, jumping for a long time.