View Full Version : I don't have 1 hair on my ass unless I start
November 28th, 2006, 07:16 PM
OK...I've watched every single BASE video on you tube and Google Video and
extreme. I have read every thread I can find. I know the proper way to proceed. This Saturday I will go to the local DZ, pay some money. Start classes. Soak up every good thing I hear like a sponge. I will get my 100 + jumps. Then and only then will I look for a BASE mentor. I have looked at all the statistics and know it is more dangerous to drive to the DZ than to jump there. I just have 1 question.... How the hell did Slim, with all his know how and experience...go in??? How the F@#K does that happen. Why does that happen??????????
Thanks to everyone here.
November 29th, 2006, 04:20 AM
Why does that happen??????????
...because even when the conditions are right, you are well prepared, you do everything correctly, the random black death factor may just bite you in the arse anyway...
I have read every thread I can find.
I dont think you have, you would not have asked that question if you had.
Look at the BASE fatality list some more....
I've watched every single BASE video on you tube and Google Video and
Oh my.... :confused:
November 29th, 2006, 05:59 AM
...because even when the conditions are right, you are well prepared, you do everything correctly, the random black death factor may just bite you in the arse anyway...
....That random black death factor is the thing to come to grips with.
Same random black death factor that strikes someone with lightning, gives a 3 year old leukemia or other numerous calamities that occur randomly. I understand what you are saying. It's just a mystery to me that if the same
jumper jumped KL 5000 times with his/her chute packed exactly the same way, throwing the PC at the same time with weather conditions the same etc, that one of those times he/she could go in.
November 29th, 2006, 08:10 AM
So you still don't "see" how random things can happen with parachutes??
Start skydiving and you will find out.
November 29th, 2006, 08:21 AM
So you still don't "see" how random things can happen with parachutes??
Start skydiving and you will find out.You're right. I start saturday and sometime this next year I'll probably "see" all too well. I know one thing in my head...but it will take experience to "feel it in my gut"
Thanks for the advice
November 29th, 2006, 08:54 AM
take experience to "feel it in my gut"
Does sense not tell you that throwing a **** load of material with a **** load of lines into a disturbed airflow will have random unexplained happenings no matter how well you pack it everytime?
We pack to encourage a certain type of opening, we dont/cant pack to guarentee that opening...
November 29th, 2006, 10:10 AM
and know it is more dangerous to drive to the DZ than to jump there.You've been spending way too much time on trying to make yourself feel all warm and fuzzy about the risks involved with skydiving and BASE.
November 30th, 2006, 10:08 PM
You've been spending way too much time on trying to make yourself feel all warm and fuzzy about the risks involved with skydiving and BASE.
Yes, you're right...I admit it. When you look at the statistics, skydiving (not BASE) appears pretty safe. The more I read the more I lose that fuzzy, warm feeling. It appears there is a million things that can (and do) go wrong. I just have to get comfortable with the fact that no matter how hard I train, how much I learn, how "perfect" my setup is...I can still go in on any given day.
Sure this is fun and exciting...blah blah blah....NO this IS serious ****. It doesn't matter if 1 out of 100,000 jumps goes in...if you're that 1.
December 1st, 2006, 03:33 AM
...and the longer you are in the sport (skydiving) the more you will see go wrong. I have been to multpile funerals, a good few of my friends have femured in, or tib and fibbed, or done their pelvis in. Then you get to BASE, where as most of my friends sport some sort of metal work inside them (including myself), I have personally known a couple of people that have gone in, I have been in electronic contact with a good few of people that have gone in.
We dont try and scare people, we dont try to say how look how cool we are doing something dangerous, we are just ****ing sick of going to funerals or visiting hospital beds (as visitors and as patients) of people we care about. So when some yahoo comes in wanting to take up BASE you can see why we try and tell you what to do that will minimise your chances of the friends you make on the way loosing another friend. This is one reason I dont like making new friends I see as a potential liability in skydiving or BASE as I dont want to get to know them just to put on another black suit for a day or pay the charges at the hospital car park each day.
Do what you want, but dont expect people to be your friend along the way.... most people dont want to be friends with a potential grid reference...
Gravity does not give a toss who you are, he will bite your arse if you dont get a stalemate in the battle one day...
December 1st, 2006, 11:14 AM
Thanks MAC for all the insight. I guess I don't have any hair on my ass because I've decided that for me, personally, the risks are too great to justify my participation. I read THE LIST for the third time last night and the real tragedy is for those left behind. I've got 2 little girls 5 and 6. Now why should I put their future in jeopardy? Now granted, the random black death factor can get me in innumerous other ways, but why should I give it one more arena in which to work? I'll keep reading this forum and hopefully go to bridge day to observe. I'll admire you guys from afar, and take my hat off to the sport after every successful jump. Maybe if I would have gotten the urge years ago before so many responsibilities erroded my free time my guts and my money.
Take Care
December 1st, 2006, 01:23 PM
've decided that for me, personally, the risks are too great to justify my participation.
Excellent! Someone has taken on board things we have said and thought intelligently about the sport!! AT F'IN LAST!!!
I've got 2 little girls 5 and 6. Now why should I put their future in jeopardy?
That is such a nice thing to hear. I know people jump when they have kids, and I respect that choice, but for me, the day I have children is the day I stop jumping (I think, at this moment with out knowing how the drive will actually take me verses the internal feelings of having a kid).
The reason I say this is that my GF chooses to be with me even though I BASE, my family are grown ups who although they dont choose to be in my family accept what I do with logic, my friends are all BASE jumpers or skydivers (except maybe a handful that are not that close to me), but my (future) children who will actually depend on me have no choice, and I would never add additional risk to leaving my children fatherless because of a sport which, lets be honest here, is one of the most selfish acts that one can do.
Many BASE jumpers (not so much skydivers) have given up due to becoming a parent, but some also dont... I am not saying that they are right or I am right, it comes down in the end to what YOU feel right.
December 2nd, 2006, 01:54 AM
I never would have believed it, but kids really do change everything. I thought people who said that were FOS but it's true. They change everything.
What you used to accept as the norm is now out of context for children. You become superfluous. It is now all about them. You become (believe it or noti) appendage for them. ...You won't mind...wait and see.
And it's worth it.
February 20th, 2007, 03:44 PM
theres no need to spend money to learn to BASE jump Ill teach u for free
Ill take u on Tandem teach u how to fly a parachute give u a few PCAs of a bridge and i promise u nothing will happen to u
except for the fact that u will be supper cool
hell ill even throw in some NINJA training
the main thing is not to listen to all of the ****ing pussy's on these forums there just pissed off because im really really good looking and get laid all the time. not to mention im ****ing ninja
with my school I can garutee u a base # with in 2 weeks of your first jump
February 20th, 2007, 08:44 PM
theres no need to spend money to learn to BASE jump Ill teach u for free
Ill take u on Tandem teach u how to fly a parachute give u a few PCAs of a bridge and i promise u nothing will happen to u
except for the fact that u will be supper cool
with my school I can garutee u a base # with in 2 weeks of your first DO rule! Thanks for the offer but I'm still "layin low" at the moment. If anything changes for me in the future I'll get back to you.
February 22nd, 2007, 07:30 AM
Again you promise stuff you cant keep
First off you promise a tandem jump as far as i know your banned at most dz´s in your area.. doing facelandings on tandems aint the way not even if they through up at you..
Then you promise to give them their BASE# whith in 2 weeks..
First off i heard you burned most of your objects,you still need a packer as you dont know how to do it your self..
second if your PCAíng the student whos gonna pca you? i didnt think you were abel to SL as of yet..
Getting the # in 2 months dosnt mean you went up all 4 objects just to climb down again..
Come on dont promise stuff you cant keep..
Gantech,you might rather drink the beers your self(yeah maggot usaly demand that you pay his beer and food,no leftovers..).
February 22nd, 2007, 09:40 AM
Gantech,you might rather drink the beers your self(yeah maggot usaly demand that you pay his beer and food,no leftovers..).Faber,
I'm enjoying this thread so much I'm willing to buy Beers and food right now for you and Maggot just for the hell of it.
February 22nd, 2007, 09:28 PM
i was laughing so hard when i read that post that i pooped my pants
and peeded me self it remonds me of how i like to take a crap at the bottom of other peolpes objects just to let them know i was there jumping there **** kind of like when a dog pees on a tree i mark my terriotory by taging that site
or craping at it my friends call me the mad ****ter
by the way do u like gladiator movies
and if it was really cold out would u climb into a sleepin bag naked with me to keep warm i me cold like reallly cold like 58 degrees F cold
February 23rd, 2007, 02:19 AM
Is this whole thread a joke on Mac?
Hey Magot, lets get all coked up and put a hooker off the Empire State Building.
February 23rd, 2007, 02:22 AM
Oh yah, you bring the coke. My coke sucks. I'll bring a gun and the beer.
February 23rd, 2007, 02:47 AM
Ofcourse i would maggot,but belive me the pleassure would be all mine :D :p youll might want to ring a stick you can bite while im doing my thing..
Gantech,ill take you up on that offer,hope you have loads of mony im a viking i eat a cow for breakfast then drink all the beer arround me,puike and then try to do it all over again..
Dont worry about Maggot,you cant trust him whith your life aslong you dont like it anyway ;)
No its not a hit on Mac,did we mention him yet?We could but we wont his the moderator it wouldnt be fair to him :p
February 23rd, 2007, 11:31 AM
You know...this sounds like it could get interesting..You take a complete newbie, (me) to the object. I see maggot biting a stick in a sleeping bag while Faber gives him the what for in the back door. Then afterwards we all go drink a couple cases of beer and eat until we puke. We go back to the object, and since we're so full from eating, we all take a dump at the base to let everyone "we we're here".Then we climb the object, Maggot gives me a couple of rails to "fortify" myself then off I go while he PCAs me. I know this would be cool and I'd be in no danger 'cause maggot told me "nothing will happen to u except yu'll be supercool". Rinse and repeat at the next object until I get my shiny new BASE #. Sounds like the best school on the planet.
February 23rd, 2007, 11:45 AM
Well you´ll be student #1 then
what could posibly go wrong??
February 23rd, 2007, 04:56 PM
The Scenario described below WOULD make a pretty funny youtube video on "How NOT to learn to BASE jump"
February 23rd, 2007, 05:24 PM
its real life bro im a ****ing retard
February 24th, 2007, 05:22 AM
its real life bro im a ****ing retard
woohoo you posted a correct post :p
pints on me
January 8th, 2008, 07:27 PM
HAHAHHAHAHAHA :eek: ohhhhhh ..... ohhhhhh i think i pooped a little too...
June 10th, 2008, 10:46 AM
you guys are scary, i'm going to go now
June 25th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Hey ive just read through all the threads and i can get what your sayin about not jumpin once you got something too loose (wife and kids?)
For me right now i dont have anything too loose, ive got bones to break and maybe a life too loose but im one of those kinda people that believes we live many lifetimes and personally id like to enrich everyone of those lives.
Im 20 now, i got 7 or 8 years before i plan on havin kids and i want to be able to look back and think 'fuck, i really fucking aced that cliff'
Its better to regret somethin you did you then too regret something you didnt.
And as for the guy that said he doesnt like to make friends in this line of life, do you not think it was better to have had the pleasure of their company while they were alive then to never have known their name.
Because i personally think that adrenaline junkies are some of the most coolest people on the planet because they truly know how too feel alive. They make for interesting people in this mundane materialistic corperate world.
June 25th, 2008, 10:12 PM
Well i do have a wife and2 kids myself(and my wife has 2 that i dindt donate:pmaking it a total of 4 kids).And i have freinds outside BASE.. i started Jumping in 01 or 02 i cant rember(need a logbook).
Ive had 2 injuryes and i dont count anymore about how many freinds ive lost in this sport,lucky i never saw any of them die by own eyes...
That said i think BASE is one of the most EGO things you can do,doing so needs your attention to your surrondings.. will you really injury yourself or might die,causing pain to thouse wholove you?
Can you justify why risking your life?Can you do so to people who´s life youmight ruin incase you die?
I think BASE is some of the best and worst i ever atipiated,and thouse who wants to start really should think through if its really worth it?
you could get a kick elsewere in a much safer envioment...
To say i wont BASE as i get wife and kids is a great thourght but can you stop that day?
but think about it...are you ready to cause pain to thouse who loves you,becourse at some point.. you will..
are you ready to say goodbye to greate mates who dont want to be arround you as they dont want their feelings hurt in case you die?
Can you say yes to all above you MIGHT could considder BASE but still i surgest a more freindly envioment.. if not good luck,we migt meet out there..
June 26th, 2008, 06:11 AM
Well i do have a wife and2 kids myself(and my wife has 2 that i dindt donate:pmaking it a total of 4 kids).And i have freinds outside BASE.. i started Jumping in 01 or 02 i cant rember(need a logbook).
Ive had 2 injuryes and i dont count anymore about how many freinds ive lost in this sport,lucky i never saw any of them die by own eyes...
As tragic as that is faber, im sure you can understand when i say that at least these guys died happy. They died having felt more alive on one jump then most people feel over their entire lives, and that counts for a lot. Quality in my opinion, is much more important than quantity.
That said i think BASE is one of the most EGO things you can do,doing so needs your attention to your surrondings.. will you really injury yourself or might die,causing pain to thouse wholove you?
Can you justify why risking your life?Can you do so to people who´s life youmight ruin incase you die?
People die every day Faber, pain is just an illusion and it does not last forever. In 100 years time every person on this planet that are alive right now, bar a select few will be in the spirit world and they will have come to realise that there was never any reason for that hurt, that when they lost their friends they only lost them temporarily because they were destined to meet again in the next world. And i would most definitly rather make friends with some of the most alive people on this planet, even if i risk loosing them temporarily because i know in my heart and soul that some day we will be reuinted someday and our friendship wasnt for nothing.
To say i wont BASE as i get wife and kids is a great thourght but can you stop that day?
Im pretty sure that i'll that make that right decision when the time comes, once i have kids, then its not just my life any more. From that point on im responsible for them kids. So too say id skydive again, would mean the same thing too me as 'would i let my baby child base jump'
but think about it...are you ready to cause pain to thouse who loves you,becourse at some point.. you will..
are you ready to say goodbye to greate mates who dont want to be arround you as they dont want their feelings hurt in case you die?
As ive said before bud, I would never have met them great mates if i didnt do this, and too just have the pleasure of their company for that short time id feel gratefull rather then if i never knew their name.
Can you say yes to all above you MIGHT could considder BASE but still i surgest a more freindly envioment.. if not good luck,we migt meet out there..
We might just ;)
Take care man
I believe we all have spirit guides that watch over us, and our friends. If ever you feel doubtfull about a jump, just ask your spirit guides to bring you and your mates through it safely. Even if it seems a bit out there, try it. Ive dodged death too many times for this too be coincidence.
June 26th, 2008, 05:15 PM
is it weird that i no longer even WANT to have kids, at 29 years old, because that would most likely abruptly stop my newfound (rookie) BASE career?
all that matters to me is traveling around the world and jumping sites and meeting new people.
fuck it
June 26th, 2008, 10:11 PM
is it weird that i no longer even WANT to have kids, at 29 years old, because that would most likely abruptly stop my newfound (rookie) BASE career?
all that matters to me is traveling around the world and jumping sites and meeting new people.
fuck it
you know... BASE is great it really is.. but it aint evrything...
June 27th, 2008, 02:54 AM
you know,BASE is like life.. it keeps changing(sorry my poor english) you will deside each time which road you pick.. and take it from there..
Good luck whith the coastguard thing thats also a adventure;) im a part time firefighter myself;)
September 16th, 2008, 12:42 PM
Volunteer Sheriff's Deputy
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