View Full Version : friend in BASE

March 21st, 2005, 03:57 AM
a good friend of mine just broke him self for the second time in 3 years.... and bouth times i was there. How many of u were forced to say to your fellow jumper and friend that u r scared to jump with him... and that unless he does soome seroius thinking and differences in his life that u wont jump with him unless hew does this and that before ... i think if one is really good friend to someoone he will tell him and i also expect that others tell me and not talk behind my back, i want that they tell me what goes tome.

safe landings

March 21st, 2005, 07:22 AM
I've been in a similar situation. It sounds like your a better friend than I was. I didn't say anything and ended up scrapeing my broken friend off of an object. If I had told him he was cocky and outta-control maybe......

March 21st, 2005, 08:18 AM
hey Kabóca,

In my opinion it is your duty to tell your opinion and help him to jump safe even if he/she is not your friend. Might hurt n suck, but nothing can be more important than SAFE jumpin.

Hope to cya soon.


March 21st, 2005, 09:45 AM
FastPete Agrees and underwrites that also.
See ya my friends in summer !!!


March 21st, 2005, 09:53 AM
>>Tell 'em how you feel, it's all you can really do.
Alot of times they'll figure it out on their own.
If not, well...

March 22nd, 2005, 07:22 AM
one of my jumping buddies always jumped without a helmet and kneepads. i told him i would not jump with him anymore if he did not at least wear a helmet, and i was serious. on all other jumps (with me, at least - of the others i don't know) he did wear a helmet (and on the ugly ones, also kneepads).

maybe it'll save him some day.
(BASE #996)

March 22nd, 2005, 08:58 AM
Faber writing from Macs laptop,cant for some reasson not log Mac out..

I think its ok to tell a person what you think the person should do,but dont expect the person to do so...
If YOU think your mate takes a too big risk that you dont want to stick arround,then its your dessision to stay away.

We all calculate the risks in this sport and if i dont want to wear a helmt then im not going to do it,if its required then ill have to deside if i want that jump(must be legal i guess) or if ill jump off an object somthing different place.

I dont belive that our protective gear prevents acsidents but it help the involved do not substain bad injuryes...

just my .25dkr on Macs laptop

March 22nd, 2005, 10:16 AM
hi faber,
well, it is definitely MY decision with whom i am going jumping. if a person choses not to wear the protective gear that i feel is appropriate, i will not jump with that person. and we are _NOT_ talking about legal jumps. any person can obviously continue to jump everywhere s/he wants - without helmet or any other protection. none of my business. but i prefer 2 tell someone the first time i see them without a helmet that 4 me, there will be no 2nd time without a helmet.
and: yes again, it will not prevent accidents - but just recently a discussion with a jumper (with 15 jumps off the same bridge) where i explained that i do not want to have my knee smashed by the only stone in the landing area on the one unfortunate time when i stumble on landing and hit that stone with my knee resulted in him wearing elbow and knee protection (and a helmet) from the next time on we went out jumping.
maybe sometime i will have to mourn a friend (again) - these things happen, we all know it and some way or another cope with that risk.

BUT: i do not want one of my friends get seriously hurt because of not wearing a helmet and of not wearing kneepads - and living with the thought that i could have prevented it.

well - just MY opinion and i thought it made sense in this thread. i am glad i did not yet have to tell anyone to "calm down" and seriously change his approach to BASE and/or life...

greetings from rome
Base #996

March 22nd, 2005, 10:42 AM
Many people who have met me in recent years, really do not like me. That is because I would rather be the biggest ASSHOLE, and nag about wearing equipment, or just tell someone that I do not want them around when they kill themselves by being stupid. It is not that I really don't want to be around people jumping. It is just that if I do not say something/anything, I personally feel responsable. I mean why not, I am not god, but I know heaps about the sport, and it is only fair that I share that with whomever I can.
I tell those people stories that I have been witness to, and the terrible outcomes. Many times this tends to scare the **** out of people, because hell, some of them scare the **** out of me.
And you never know, maybe I have actually saved someones life because of it?

Seriously, There is nothing wrong with pushing the envelope, but you sure the hell better be qualified to do so. This sport is, where it is today because of it. But Luck will not get you by forever.
And the best statement I ever heard from Adam, "Dress for the crash, not the jump"!

a good friend of mine just broke him self for the second time in 3 years.... and bouth times i was there. How many of u were forced to say to your fellow jumper and friend that u r scared to jump with him... and that unless he does soome seroius thinking and differences in his life that u wont jump with him unless hew does this and that before ... i think if one is really good friend to someoone he will tell him and i also expect that others tell me and not talk behind my back, i want that they tell me what goes tome.

safe landings

March 22nd, 2005, 09:36 PM
How many of u were forced to say to your fellow jumper and friend that u r scared to jump with him... and that unless he does soome seroius thinking and differences in his life that u wont jump with him unless hew does this and that before ...
safe landings

And how many of us have had a friend die on us before we got to say something we wanted to say to them? Had something come between us, and then not resolve differences before it was too late?
How many people can say, "I wish I would have said this to him/her"?, but cannot say it anymore because of death?

I see your point in wanting to be proactive about safety. Sometimes it takes a better friend to say, "I disagree, but since I am your friend, I will be here for you."
Proactive safety is a good policy, but don't abandon friends. You said he got busted up a second time? At what if noone else was there to help him, or to call the paramedics, because everyone had refused to jump with him because he did not jump according to style?
What happens when he breaks himself a third time, and noone is around?


March 23rd, 2005, 03:08 AM
Hi flummi
As your read my post you saw that i did agree that if YOU dont want to jump whith a person using the safty gear YOU think is appropriate on a jump,its then your dessision to either ask the person to wear it,or not to jump the object whith you.

Most of us here do agree that wearing safty gear is a smart thing to do,how ever there are times places were you cant wear this gear.Also some people get their RUSH by feeling the air in their air and choose the risk for this feeling ok....

I do sometimes jump whithout the safty gear,as i want somthing special from that jump,its MY dessision.

To me it would be kind of asking all BASE jumpers to wear a reserve(all the respect to the German people,and no offence meant)on Jumps...I dont feel i need the reserve,the canopy i jump is packed to safe my life and im confident that it will so.Kind of the same whith safty gear.

I will note that i 95% of my jumps wear safty gear,and when i dont do it its usaly on easy jumps whith nice LZ.I do preffere the safty gear,but has jumps were i dont want it on.

I do respect you for the concern from you to your mate,but at the end of the day his the person to deside to wear it or not.YOUR dessision can then depend on his dessision.

Rember one of the classic rules in BASE:
There are no rules....

I do hope your mate realize that jumping whith safty gear can save him from injuryes,and make the smart choices.
Just rember to acsept his free choice/desission to wear it or not(in the end dessiding if he wants to jump whith you....)

Stay safe out there

March 23rd, 2005, 06:05 AM
hi faber,

well, until now i was lucky: both people that i had to address this topic with decided to wear gear and to continue jumping with me...

actually - i had one time when i jumped without my helmet: that was when my helmet jumped off right next to a very well known waterfall in the swiss alps without me being safely attached to it :-) i was undecided for 5 mins and then went without the helmet (but still with the kneepads). i just did not want to walk back all the way.

March 23rd, 2005, 06:28 AM
Hi Uros!

You should tell him what you feel. I hope he will be ok.
Btw I'm the guy who scared you with bridle under arm in Vrsar. ;-)
Any chance to have a copy of your ground video of that jump?

Stay safe,


March 23rd, 2005, 02:16 PM
What about BASE being about personal choices, in a personal journey? You might not agree with them, and you might care for their safety. However, I can assure you that they don't want to get hurt either. Just wait until you shun them, and then they bleed alone in a field. Would you feel better about your choice then?

I hope your friends aren't as judgemental as you are...