View Full Version : Should we create a Free-For-All Forum?

October 22nd, 2004, 10:40 AM
I am wondering if everyone wants a free-for-all forum where you can talk about anything you want, except site naming and petefile/sexually improper discussions?

Raymond Losli
October 23rd, 2004, 11:54 AM
Are you talking about, changing BASE Board Forum ?
Or just adding forum heading ?


Beginners Forum

The BASE Board

Free For All


October 23rd, 2004, 03:16 PM
Adding an additional forum that is a free-for-all of sorts. NOT changing the existing base board.
Are you talking about, changing BASE Board Forum ?
Or just adding forum heading ?


Beginners Forum

The BASE Board

Free For All


Raymond Losli
October 23rd, 2004, 10:26 PM
I kind of feel that the BASE Board, is Already open
enough to be a free-for-all forum.
The BASE Board kind of moves with the flow now.

You can start any BASE related Thread you desire.

You can talk about anything you want to on that
thread as long as it's close to the subject line and
still slightly BASE related.

Do you want it to be kinda like the, DZ com. Speakers
Corner or the Bonfire ?
Where you can Rant and Rave on anything that is
Not BASE related ?

Personally I think that kind of open Chat forum is cheep and
a dime a dozen, offered anywhere out there in Cyber space.

I clicked into the Speakers Corner and Bonfire one time.
It only took me 5 minutes to figure out that it was a......
Free-For-All, mangled, Cluster F##K of Nothing.

For myself, the only reason I click into the BASE Board
is the read or add, to what is already offer by you. B.A.S.E.
Not to read or talk on anything that resembles that bunch of
- Non-BASE Freaks - on the DZ com.,Speakers Corner or Bonfire.
You have enough freaks hear already, me Standing in front of the line.

Though it could be a good place to send unwanted threads
or posts that are aggravating to some and distasteful to a
small minority of small minded stiffs.
By those pesky, Anal Retentive and over controlling, Moderators.

October 24th, 2004, 06:18 AM
im whith Raymond here.

Blinc is BASE,its here i come to ask tecnical stuff and looking for answeres.
I like Blinc as it is but do agree that people(inkluding me) should start post here more often.

October 24th, 2004, 07:08 AM
I'd vote for loosening the base board. If you make it strictly BASE without the opportunity for some off-thread foolishness then it may become over moderated again which was the original cause of lost traffic.

I've been trying to stay in Blinc lately and cutting down on the amount of $hit that Tom has to remove from DZ.com but I'd probably have most of my posts removed to the trashcan forum if one was created. There's only so many times you can discuss line-overs, tailgates and what size p/c to use.
I'd say leave that $hit to DZ.com and let's blaze a trail again at Blinc. The babies can ask their dumb questions over there without fear of flaming and over here we can indulge ourselves and then send them to DZ.com.

I'm in it for the fun, dudes. We dangle from string attached to a big handkerchief. It ain't rocket science. Why over-analyse it? My vote goes for getting rid of the rediculous auto-censor so we don't have to keep typing things like D1ck, A$$hat, $hit-eat1ng-$au$age-j0ck3y and fi$h-paste.

Let's bring the BASE Board back as the place BASE jumpers hang out instead of trying to make it some half-a$$ed tutorial. It's all just entertainment...

Not even worth 0.02,



Tom Aiello
October 24th, 2004, 08:25 AM
I see two reasons to split off a new forum:

(a) conversation on a sub topic grows to the point that it drowns out other conversations and needs its own space to allow those other conversations to continue.

(b) to "sponge" off the noise (i.e. random chatting, flames, etc) and calm down the main forum.

I don't think the main forum is suffering from over-traffic, and I don't think there's too much noise here, so I don't think we really need to split off a sub forum.


Honestly, I think that the main BASE board here is a good place for a "BASE Jumpers Bonfire." A certain amount of random chat gives it flow, and the banter between BASE jumpers does help build a community feel at BLiNC. With the DZ.com Bonfire overrun with very talkative skydivers, and BLiNC just starting to rebuild a community feel, I think we ought to leave the chatting in the forum.

Truthfully, until the chatting grows so much that it drowns out the productive conversations in this forum, I see no reason to remove it. Splitting forums too small just results in dry, "dead" forums that see very few posts and so no one ever bothers to check.

By those pesky, Anal Retentive and over controlling, Moderators.

Those bastards...I hate them... :mad:

October 24th, 2004, 04:24 PM
Hey Mick

prefer an open forum for all discussions. I don't think there is enough traffic and commentary to split into separate forums. Also can you do away with the need for a password or having to be registered? Its just another step in the process...

just some thoughts from a windy country

play safe

October 25th, 2004, 01:04 PM
I am wondering if everyone wants a free-for-all forum where you can talk about anything you want, except site naming and petefile/sexually improper discussions?

Lookout Pete! we gonna file on you.

ANyway... I agree with $kin, Tom, and others. No need for a sub forum. In fact, I think there ought to just be one forum: The BASEBoard.

As $kin mentioned, the traffic really fell off when the requirement for a login and pw was instituted for the BASEBoard. Anonymity is fun sometimes. Nevertheless, I realize a certain balance must be maintained or it turns into madness.

I say delete all the other forums (they don't get much traffic anyway), and keep only the BASEBoard. I bet your useage numbers would indicate very little traffic in the other boards.. Allow anonymous posting - but somehow FLAG the anonymous posts so folks know they're reading crap that doesn't carry the weight of a SIGNED post. Maybe somehow SIGNED posts get awarded a green flag while anon. posts are red-flagged. Users can then wade through the bull$hit and decide for themselves. You can still let the moderators get rid of stuff that is against your user agreement and site use restrictions, but the open "free-for-all" nature of the board is still present. I believe the "free-for-all" nature of the early early BASE board ~1996/7??) is what drew us all in.

There is so little traffic that noise isn't really a problem right now. If it gets back to that level then you've been successful, right?? :cool:


p.s. I know you have some advertisers to satisfy, but I really think the worty dirds aren't that much of a problem. I mean if $kin can write around whatever words he wants, then what's the issue? firewall filtration of content? Then those folks will need to connect from home.

October 26th, 2004, 07:44 AM
I really miss the good old days on the BB. Anonoymos postings and all out smack down bitch fights were so much fun. Its been dead, I mean REALLY DEAD on here for a couple of years. Remove all of the rules, get Robin a connection in his hospital room, and let the fur fly!


Tom Aiello
October 26th, 2004, 07:56 AM
Allow anonymous posting - but somehow FLAG the anonymous posts so folks know they're reading crap that doesn't carry the weight of a SIGNED post.

Perhaps a default forum view that shows only posts by registered users? I'm not sure if that's possible.

That way you could choose to look at the anonymous posts, but by default they'd be left out.

October 26th, 2004, 09:10 AM
Perhaps a default forum view that shows only posts by registered users? I'm not sure if that's possible.

That way you could choose to look at the anonymous posts, but by default they'd be left out.

Sounds possible. The only initial concern I'd have about that is you'd have folks with signed posts responding to folks who've posted anonymously... and there'd be huge confusion over the course of the conversation for those folks who had their default view set to eliminate anon posts, blah blah.

I suppose it really doesn't matter what you do... you either allow anon posts or not. If you choose to allow anon posts, then it would be up to the registered user to sort through the crap.

Just had an idea (amazing, huh?)... what about removing the ability of any user to respond (with quote) to anonymous posts? That way an anon user could post to his or her heart's content, but couldn't be the catalyst for further posts from anyone down that particular threaded conversation. That might limit the signal-to-noise ratio a bit, dunno. One unfortunate side-effect to that would be the inability of a registered user to put the smack-down on anon posters. But it would limit the noise.

I don't know - I guess I'm like Tree: I'd rather have the noise and, as well, a popular site than have a site that doesn't get many hits. Somehow all this came crashing down with Thomas (I think he's much better now, btw) and others and the ensuing regulation of the board. I mean if I have to wade through a mile of $hit to get to a pot of honey... I'd rather have that option than to have no chance for a pot of honey at all.


October 27th, 2004, 07:57 PM
I really miss the good old days on the BB. Anonoymos postings and all out smack down bitch fights were so much fun. Its been dead, I mean REALLY DEAD on here for a couple of years. Remove all of the rules, get Robin a connection in his hospital room, and let the fur fly!


Now ye talking ;)