November 29th, 1999, 02:02 PM
Just couldn't resist the temptation to blurt out my useless dribble.....
Jumped with IPBC a couple of times. IMHO...they are doing a great job and each event is a learning a growth experience. It's easy to join the group if "YOU" make an effort. (I'm not affiliated with the organizers and am NOT speaking "for" them) Met great people and sharred good ideas. If you can't beat 'em.......
Jumping legally in NPS territory is a LONG way from reality (unless the "leaders" in the fight have a secret weapon we don't know about). The government, whether you like it or not is a "BIG DOG" and much more heavilly connected than a few "radical, insane, peasants" who are pouting about some "equal rights" non-sense (someone has to protect John Q. from himself....).
Bridge Day is yet another example of "reverse-descrimination" as has been previously noted on this board. The greed and gluttony of the "individual" has led to the line-jumping antics which have been facilitated by the new system of "competitor" vs. "expendable-equally taxed-be gald you got to jump at all-nobody!" There are some VERY hard-working people at this event but most of them are too busy working to enjoy the day (or cut in line in front of you). Perhaps the "organizers" should be non-jumpers? (Consider the volunteer ambulance crews or water and shore rescue personnel).
BASE jumping is much more fun at an illegal site where the risk factor is heightened and your skills are perfected by darkness and tight landing areas. It's the "pirate-syndrome" that appeals to me. After all, the risk is managed, it's a victomless crime, and the penalty is not beheading...(I've spent a few nights in jail and paid several thousand dollars in fines and attorney fees). To be truthful, speeding has cost me much more, and I still drove 55MPH in a 35MPH zone on my way to work today! In addition, the "competition" aspect is thrown out the window, and an assault on an object is a feat of cooperation and teamwork, which leaves us all richer. Besides, if you are a BASE jumper in the U.S. of A., you don't have many other choices (at least in the southeast). There are no "legal" sites available but we still average about two per week!
Regardless of what we may choose to believe, the rangers or guards whom we fear, rarely give us a second thought and if BASE jumping was their only concern, they would not exist. They're only protecting their castles from "vandals" and "thieves" and we are an extra feather-in-the-cap if we happen along. All in all, we are radicals (or we wouldn't be in this game) and some of us seem to let our "radical egos" go unchecked (Myself included!) You may not like me....I may not like you either....but if you respect my "rights", I'll do the same ("honor among thieves" you know). And if you do happen to be in the South, and you venture out, late at night....don't forget to look UP.......
.....we'll be watching,
(Never anonymous, no political affiliations, and still "Red-Necks"....... and damn proud of it!)
Jumped with IPBC a couple of times. IMHO...they are doing a great job and each event is a learning a growth experience. It's easy to join the group if "YOU" make an effort. (I'm not affiliated with the organizers and am NOT speaking "for" them) Met great people and sharred good ideas. If you can't beat 'em.......
Jumping legally in NPS territory is a LONG way from reality (unless the "leaders" in the fight have a secret weapon we don't know about). The government, whether you like it or not is a "BIG DOG" and much more heavilly connected than a few "radical, insane, peasants" who are pouting about some "equal rights" non-sense (someone has to protect John Q. from himself....).
Bridge Day is yet another example of "reverse-descrimination" as has been previously noted on this board. The greed and gluttony of the "individual" has led to the line-jumping antics which have been facilitated by the new system of "competitor" vs. "expendable-equally taxed-be gald you got to jump at all-nobody!" There are some VERY hard-working people at this event but most of them are too busy working to enjoy the day (or cut in line in front of you). Perhaps the "organizers" should be non-jumpers? (Consider the volunteer ambulance crews or water and shore rescue personnel).
BASE jumping is much more fun at an illegal site where the risk factor is heightened and your skills are perfected by darkness and tight landing areas. It's the "pirate-syndrome" that appeals to me. After all, the risk is managed, it's a victomless crime, and the penalty is not beheading...(I've spent a few nights in jail and paid several thousand dollars in fines and attorney fees). To be truthful, speeding has cost me much more, and I still drove 55MPH in a 35MPH zone on my way to work today! In addition, the "competition" aspect is thrown out the window, and an assault on an object is a feat of cooperation and teamwork, which leaves us all richer. Besides, if you are a BASE jumper in the U.S. of A., you don't have many other choices (at least in the southeast). There are no "legal" sites available but we still average about two per week!
Regardless of what we may choose to believe, the rangers or guards whom we fear, rarely give us a second thought and if BASE jumping was their only concern, they would not exist. They're only protecting their castles from "vandals" and "thieves" and we are an extra feather-in-the-cap if we happen along. All in all, we are radicals (or we wouldn't be in this game) and some of us seem to let our "radical egos" go unchecked (Myself included!) You may not like me....I may not like you either....but if you respect my "rights", I'll do the same ("honor among thieves" you know). And if you do happen to be in the South, and you venture out, late at night....don't forget to look UP.......
.....we'll be watching,
(Never anonymous, no political affiliations, and still "Red-Necks"....... and damn proud of it!)