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View Full Version : Brento - cliff strike

October 26th, 2002, 09:20 PM
Brento - cliff strike, don't do the same faults as I did at 13.oct. We did came up about seven in the morning. It was beautiful sunny day but it was cloudy in the valley. We wait for about 1.5 hour to get the open window to valley. In that time I did loss all the concentration to make a good one. When it was open (clouds) I wanna go first. Cloud was just under the cliff in the way where I want to jump. It was about 90% visibility starting about 20-30m below exit and about 300m thick and it was up/down mostly south wind. In that time I go to left exit, look to others and jump totaly unprepared (cloud is closing below exit - visibility about 10-20%). I had a head-down exit. When I began to correct it I was in the cloud and did loss the orientation. In my feeling I did correct head-down and go to track, but in track I didn't feel resistance of air (I think I was too much with head down). When I was just thru cloud (20% visibility) I did see the cliff below me and deside to pull PC (10-12sek free fall). The canopy fully opens and I hade a 1.5-2 line twist (probably bad body position on opening). In the horizontal way I had see only cloud. In next few seconds I was through the cloud and I realize I was about 90-105 deg. offheding to the right (jump way) cliff. Then begin a HELL RIDE. I did hit the cliff with canopy and do amortization and push with hands and feets away from cliff so I did get a litle time to turn canopy. I did have a 3 more cliff strikes. Every time I did push me away so that canopy didn't hang on. At the last strike vertical speed was a bit slower so I grab me with hands and one foot for rock above last abyss. I did lean me on rock and wait for canopy to fall past me. Then I have to climb 1.5-2m up just to have a little shelf to put on my arse. Then they call me that helicopter is coming. I did pull up my canopy and make a package so wind coldn't blow it. And I did cut away (three ring). I must realy give a BIG THANK to all the rescue team. And now for every body - don't make same faults as I did. Be realy prepared for every jump You make low or terminal. I think it help that I do a free climb too.

B.A.S.E. is not a crime, it's way of life.
Ljubo M.

October 27th, 2002, 09:17 AM
Glad to hear you are ok.



E Raist
October 28th, 2002, 10:50 PM
Wow! It's amazing (and great) that you made it, and wonderful to see that you are well enough to type online. Curious what kind of canopy you were jumping with, and what you characteristics you observed during your strikes.

Be well!

October 29th, 2002, 05:40 AM
Hi Ljubo,
I am really happy that you succeeded to pull it off safely!!!!
I hope your story can convince anybody out there that to jump a terminal wall (ANY wall and ANY object, actually...) with/within fog/cloud is NOT a good idea. Better to wait for clear(er) meteo conditions.

Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 :D

October 29th, 2002, 06:10 PM
Hello Ljubo --

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I'm so glad to hear that you are ok and survived this ordeal.

You make a very good point that we should give full consideration to every jump, especially so in difficult conditions.

Glad to hear that you are ok! And thank you for sharing your story -- we are all wiser for it!



October 30th, 2002, 01:46 AM
I belive Ljubo is using Troll canopy something like 240-260 sqf

why dive if u can BASEdive

October 30th, 2002, 01:51 AM
to all that it may concern always use protective gear. Maybe u will say every body knows that and knows what he or she is doing, but as i m new to this sport i will shut up and just put down what i observed ,that not every one is using protective gear.

why just dive if u can BASEdive

October 30th, 2002, 07:16 AM
The cliff in brento is pretty soft.....but good idea to use protective gear....fartknockers....
:D :D :D

October 31st, 2002, 12:41 AM
I did make some faults like didn't prepare for jump (take it to easy), didn't use protective gear, jump when cloud was closing, probably bad body position on opening, ... I'm very happy I can jump again. I know I do it more seriously and I hope some one of You don't make same faults as I did.
The best thing on cliff strike is to push (with hands and feets) away so the canopy can not hang.
I did have Troll 245 and Perigee pro all whith 32 jumps. I think it save my life because it didn't break apart. My ride down the cliff was about 50-60m with 4 strikes. I didn't use protective gear because I did forget it in my car at home (about 500km away). I never jump without helmet.

I think I could jump in about two months. I wish You all a realy good and save one.

B.A.S.E. is not a crime, it's way of life.

November 1st, 2002, 03:56 PM
Csaber my friend, it is good to read your name on the board again!!! Welcome back :P

November 1st, 2002, 05:18 PM

Hey Csaber! Nice to see you! How are you healing up? Hope all is well...

and what the heck is a fartknocker?


November 5th, 2002, 05:45 AM
Hey buttmunch, how is it goin?
Yeaah, finally started to work so I have net acces now.
when are you goin to Verbier?
Take care dude...hee-hee:D :D

November 5th, 2002, 05:54 AM
K like Karen ?
...thanks, I am pretty fine, goin to medical therapy a lot, walking with sticks and still hurts like hell.
finally started to work so I have net acces now.

dont really know what is fartknocker, your languge is the english you should know better....I learned it (my all english) from BEAVIS and BUTTHEAD...they are cool....

peace and health

:D :D :D

November 27th, 2002, 08:28 PM
hey stari si ze O.K.

why dive if u can basedive

November 27th, 2002, 08:32 PM
just a little helo to u from Laos in less than a week i should be jumping in Krabi area. take care see u in Vrsar
why dive if u can BASEdive

December 1st, 2002, 11:04 AM
Vidim, da uzivas. Daj se za mene saj jaz minimalno se 3 mesece ne bom mogel. Potem pa bomo zgali do konca. Sem ze pricel z razgibavanjem.

B.A.S.E. is not a crime, it's way of life.