View Full Version : 180 openings again!

October 30th, 1999, 05:27 AM
looking for more info on 180 openings
with deep brake settings How likely is someone able to turn around a mojo from a 180 opening off a cliff that has no overhang and only a 1 sec delay? It seems possible but people still hit cliffs and buildings! Are you more likely, or unlikely to live through a strike?

just wondering thanks.

October 30th, 1999, 06:04 AM
It's a matter of skill and confidence....
I've seen a 180 turned around without incident (Kramer-San, Moab, UT) except for a lot of cheering! Actually it was toggle release which caused a spin toward the rock. Either way....if you're having serious doubts about your survival on the jump you're considering...it's bad "karma".
Wait 'til you're sure!