View Full Version : Getting Started

imported_Tom Aiello
November 27th, 2002, 09:55 AM
I'm looking for advice on getting the suit flying sooner. I am jumping a Skyflyer, and find that it is taking me around six seconds to get flying. I know this is really substandard.

While I understand that my excessive girth may have something to do with the problem, I'm sure there has to be some lack of technique and skill involved as well.

Can anyone give me any pointers on getting moving sooner?


--Tom Aiello

November 28th, 2002, 02:53 AM
Tom, have you demo'd a GTi?
I found the same issue with my Skyflyer and was resolved for me with going back to the GTi.
Actually Robert of Birdman posted an excellent response here about issues with the Skyflyer. Everyones body is different. What works for one person is not certain to work for others.

Just a suggestion as I am not a Skyflyer expert.

birdman robert
November 28th, 2002, 12:04 PM
Please go through post Skyflyer or GTi!!!
You'll find all you need to know

Best regards
BirdMan inc.