View Full Version : Menara Alor Star, Malaysia

March 17th, 2004, 04:39 AM
Dennis, Harry and I made only a couple jumps on Tuesday,
as the winds were doing their usual howling off the sea.
Today was a different story, as we were blessed, no wind.
We made 91 jumps from the 340' tower today.
Once again, Gary was the animal with 22 jumps.
Tomorrow is the big event day, we are all warmed up.
Actually, we are down right hot and sweaty.
There are only 15 jumpers here this time,
guess I scared them off when I said it was gnarly.
It is a gnarly low tower, at least it's surrounded
with trees, tents, and light poles made with swords.
Now they set up a carnival around it as well......


Today the wind picked up after lunch.
So we've made only 60 jumps so far today.
The demo for the King was perfect.
I think we'll go back over around sunset,
try get a last few flicks in if the wind allows it.

March 18th, 2004, 11:27 PM
Just a quick note before we leave for KL.
A few of us went back to Menara Alor Star
for a windy sunset load, we survived.
Total jumps during the demo: 70.
Total jumps from this tower: 161.
We had no injuries here at all.
We did have one tree landing,
there's a new treeboy.
Everybody had fun, even if they only made 1 or 2 jumps.
Gary got the most here again, 22 yesterday, 15 today.
With a big smile as usual, he was happy with
his 71 total jumps from the two towers.
We are sending 5 jumpers to another location in Malaysia,
they will open a new object for us to add to next year's tour.