View Full Version : deleted post part 2

March 8th, 2004, 09:43 AM
To BLINC_Moderator(and 1 post,and a lock).

I dont understand why you locked that tread,and why you didnt post your name(a moderator that post anonymus must have a bad feeling about the subject).
Im in the belive that Blinc should be a free(but whith out site and object named)forum.so if you just had edited the post and told Mac NOT to do that again,i could understand that.But just to delete a tread becours you personaly think it were stupied,is just WRONG.Do you do the same thing if perople tells about how they jump,and you dont agree.Its a sad thing,if its so.Can i then as a jumper trust what i read here?

Dont delete this tread,i have a copy(thanks for that idea MH). i will post it else were if you delete or lock this post whith out giving me a reason first(my mail works if you dont want it public).
I think its time to get a debate about this subject,as its sad if this board should be abanded for such reasson.And im still in the belive that Mick dont want that either...Atleast i dont want it that way..

March 8th, 2004, 09:55 AM
The funny thing is that I never named any places! ( you can see this on the aussie board) and also I mistakenly named someone and apologised to him on the aussie board and he said he did not mind – he even posted to make sure I did not think it was him getting my post deleted! Seems he is more chilled out then the unknown moderator!

Also the reason for the post was that it was stupid and worthless – showing what the media reports like and perhaps informs newer jumpers what happens when the media is informed…………. But that’s my point of view only – and hey im just a minion that aint part of the cool group!

I aint a "name" so what the hell do i matter anyway in BLiNC world!

March 8th, 2004, 03:04 PM
Our sport is stupid and irrelevant? could be.
As there is no logic in it that I know of. but why delete a post because of it´s nature along those lines. JFC, you´d have to delete the whole website based on those factors. Never has a moderator been so judgemental. Whazzup widdat? I think this is screwd up. Please just tell us you were havin a bad day or sumpin´
Help us Mick! That moderator ain´t right.
Take care,

March 8th, 2004, 03:56 PM
that there is no way to please everyone.
You guys sure are hard to please.
There was a valid complaint, so the post was removed.
Whatever, have at it.

March 8th, 2004, 04:31 PM
>To BLINC_Moderator(and 1 post,and a lock).
>I dont understand why you locked that tread,and why you didnt
>post your name(a moderator that post anonymus must have a bad
>feeling about the subject).
>Im in the belive that Blinc should be a free(but whith out
>site and object named)forum.so if you just had edited the post
>and told Mac NOT to do that again,i could understand that.But
>just to delete a tread becours you personaly think it were
>stupied,is just WRONG.Do you do the same thing if perople
>tells about how they jump,and you dont agree.Its a sad
>thing,if its so.Can i then as a jumper trust what i read
>Dont delete this tread,i have a copy(thanks for that idea MH).
>i will post it else were if you delete or lock this post whith
>out giving me a reason first(my mail works if you dont want it
>I think its time to get a debate about this subject,as its sad
>if this board should be abanded for such reasson.And im still
>in the belive that Mick dont want that either...Atleast i dont
>want it that way..

I don't want people to leave this site either.....but it is happening anyways, but that is another discussion >(

I did not read the thread you are refering to, and did not delete it either.
Obviously, better rules on the moderation of this forum are needed. I am interested in your comment about modifying a thread verse deleting a whole thread. Is that acceptible if we run into such situations where there is only a small portion of the thread that is an issue?

I have been very consumed with migrating existing data over to a new application, so I have not had time to read as many posts as usual.
I also do not have an army of moderators to aid me.
In the new forum application, there will be a way to "HIDE" a thread, not "DELETE" the thread, while the moderators look at it and come up with a concensus and what to do with it.
Maybe this can help us resolve some issues.

March 9th, 2004, 09:29 AM
Hi Mick
Im glad you joined this now.Im sorry that i had to post in a way that kind of set you up against the wall,but it worked.

Im not old enough on this board to say how it should work,but if you look at example dz.com a moderator would then most likly just have removed names and places.It would be written in bottom of the post so people could see a moderator had done a job there(and who),you could then talk to that person about what was wrong so you dont do the same mistake again.

I also think it aint 1 moderator to deside if an artickle should be deleted,if its just stupied.Actualy you could say that atleast 2-3(i dunno how many there is here) should agree in this.You as the HH at this board didnt even see the artickle here,but you can read it at most of the other BASE forums at the web,who didnt deletede it..People could might discus why its stupied(if it is),and what other should look at if they do an interwiw next time

As i told you before,i would like to help,but my bad english does that i some times dont understand all whath is said here,therefore i dont think im the right person to that job.I can only hope that others will take that challenge and help the ORIGINAL BASEBOARD to stay out here as the place were we all can get together,as this place still is the "mother"BASE board on the web..

to BLINC_Moderator: I just think you(if it were you) made a bad mistake,leave it behind and learn by it;)

March 9th, 2004, 11:11 AM
Well, I don't have 2-3 moderators aside from myself. I have been looking for another full-time moderator, to augment the 2 part-time moderators. But no luck.

Second, I have been able to put in place a "Hide" function in the current application so posts will never be "Deleted" again. However they might look deleted as users can't see them. This will be solely for the moderator review process.
Does that help?

March 10th, 2004, 12:59 AM
You asked for suggestions? Here's one: Delete the anonymous "BLINC_moderator" account. Make your moderators stand proudly and openly by their words. Any moderator unwilling to have their choices known should be removed.

Tom Aeillo might be unbelievably heavy handed over on dropzone.com, editing and deleting at will until everyone appears to be simply saying what he wants them to say, but at least he has the balls to do it openly. Or at least mostly.

March 10th, 2004, 01:44 AM
>Tom Aeillo might be unbelievably heavy handed over on
>dropzone.com, editing and deleting at will until everyone
>appears to be simply saying what he wants them to say,

Dude I think that a bit harsh.............. I have had a few run ins with Tom but on the whole he does a good job. There is still freedom on DZ to a point. just remember what the "aim" of that forum is.

March 10th, 2004, 09:31 AM
yes it will help if you then will use it to discuss if it should be removed or not,and if not,then replace it..If it then is desided to remove it then make a post telling why..(could be it would ruin some spots or so i dont know)

im whith Narcimund,about moderators shouldnt hide.