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March 6th, 2004, 07:41 PM
............and you wonder why people start going over to DZ?

I was pro BLiNC but..........

You cant moderate like this and not answer........ at least at DZ you are given reasons why..........

March 7th, 2004, 11:34 AM
seriously Mick;
I've read a lot of complaints about this...and had a few deleted myself. Don't you think that you should give the people who support your website a little more credit?
At the very least I think you should clearly post your posting guidelines and criteria--and then stick to it, even if it's a post that you don't particularly like. I know you had a bunch of problems a couple years back--and addressed those problems by "protecting" the BB--but, censorship sucks--And I'd bet my left nut that your site had twice the traffic then as it does now.

You can't delete people's posts and then bitch that nobody comes to this site:

PS: I've copied this text to my hard drive and will post anything that gets deleted on BLINC on DZ.COM.

March 7th, 2004, 08:23 PM
Ive tried emailing mick for additional information on making a store purchase, and was ignored completely. I dont think this guy's heart is in this anymore. But DZ.com seems to be picking up speed. Anyone read this before it was deleted? :)

March 7th, 2004, 08:54 PM
That article from UK magazine was stupid and irrelevant.
Not to mention that it had names and sites.
So it was deleted, and not by Mick.

There are just as many posts deleted "over there".

March 8th, 2004, 04:34 PM
Do you have a copy of the posting I can see?

March 8th, 2004, 04:40 PM
I have gotten this one, and one from Tree about this issue.....Where did you hear about complaints? How did I not get notified of them? I really can't fix things that I don't know to be broken. Can I?

All I know, is that I am the last one to hear of problems seeming. Everyones solution is to go to DZ instead, and rag on me there I guess.

I have posted the guidlines, but the current application does not allow for anyone to readily view it.

PS, I did not delete anyones posting. I am going to work on a "Review" process for issue posting when they arise.

BTW, any other issue that can help me to better the process?

March 8th, 2004, 04:41 PM
just curious - my post on the UK mag article was deleted, then my question as to why it was deleted - was deleted. I then emailed you Mick to ask why and you have not answered.

My only thought is that i "accidently" named a jumper in it (i thought it the name of a journo as was the structure of the article)- for which I apologised to the jumper in question on the Aussie board (who have not deleted it).

Can you just tell me what board protocol I went against? only so I dont do it again.
