View Full Version : To heal or not to heel

February 21st, 2004, 07:44 AM
Last October I flicked a 220ft Span and due to the fact it was in a foreign country with quick exit needed and my own stupid non assessment of the surrounding area I was dumped in hard on landing... I hurt my heel.

This went after returning home and having time off not jumping due to bad weather.

But recently I got dumped in again after a sub100ft opening on my canopy and basically have it "jelly fish" until landing. I now have the pain in my heel again and although I am taking off a month from jumping to rest it, it still gives me pain and discomfort when I walk.

I dont have any bruising or swelling, but the discomfort I have is slightly worrying.

Just interested in anyone else having problems with heel injuries - as I have heard that heels take a long time to "heel" !!

February 21st, 2004, 10:57 PM
I cleared a couple of landings in Stow's terrain park, 30~35ft drop onto ice as hard and flat as a sidewalk. I remember going through 4-5 months of walking with out using my right heel. I got some heel cups at the local drug store and rode all season because the boots were padded, but always had pain in street shoes. That heel was tender for the next couple of seasons but it's like it never happened now, 8yrs later.
Sounds like a similar injury. I had no discoloration or swelling and the pain actually felt like the bone was bruised.Sorry to say but it is a long time healing and hurts the whole way. Hope it works out better for you.

February 23rd, 2004, 10:48 AM
Sounds like I got lucky. I injured my heel on a hard launch from a 140' object (trying to avoid hanging my PC on a ladder). Took about 6 weeks before I was walking pretty normally. Again, no bruising or swelling.