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View Full Version : UK Site Info - Pylon Park Update

February 20th, 2004, 01:58 PM

I have now spoken to the neighbours at pylon park.

She has proposed the following:

1) I dont pass her number to anyone
2) I call her 1 or 2 days in advance if people are jumping there
3) If she is not at home over the period of jumping so she is unable to make arrangements for the horse - we will not jump.

She is happy with us jumping there, but she wants to have notice so she can make specific arrangements with her horse so she is happy that we are not effecting the well being of it.

If she finds people there without a phone call from me she will approach you and tell you to leave or she will call the authorities. She will then also call me and let me know that people have been there - this is a small community and it wont take much to find out who has done this.

She is being very accepting of what we do here, but her number 1 priorty is her horse. You can understand that we need to do things by her rules here.

She has also mentioned that whilst talking to a friend in a pub about the problems her horse has had with the parachuting activity someone leant over from another table and started asking about the "legality" of us jumping there. In her words "I would not go there for a few months and just let the nosey bastard forget about it" - she was infact quite apologetic that she had brought the attention to an unknown person and both her and her husband were quite upset that this had happened. Even they seem to have some cool BASE ethics!

This is what is proposed to start with, I guess this will evolve as time goes on.

Its not about policing this object, far from it. It helps us all in the long term to be courteous, thoughtful and progressive with both the locals and the jumping community. If there are any issues or concerns with this then please call my mobile or send me an email. I will be more than happy to talk to anyone about the issue at this site.

Lets keep Britain tidy!

BASE #813

PS) And yes Sean had a point - perhaps take some carrots for a treat to the horse on each visit to show that we are thoughtful toward her and her passion in life........... as she is thoughful toward our passion.

March 1st, 2004, 02:53 AM
You really have taken this too far. Acting like you own the object, and in support of calling the pigs on other jumpers. If that is progress for BASE jumping in UK you have a problem.
How exactly is it "not about policing the object"? It is exactly policing.
I do not need your permission to jump there.

March 1st, 2004, 02:59 AM
Hey “Get Real” – don’t hide behind the anonymity of the internet – I said if you have a problem then drop me an eMail.
No I can’t stop you jumping there – but the locals can and will if courtesy is not shown to them.
It was their request it was done in this way – not mine.

March 1st, 2004, 03:32 AM
I'll take my anonymous chances. The last thing I want is for you and the coppers to know my identity. Not to mention the BPA. Freedom.

March 1st, 2004, 03:46 AM
Ok – that’s ya choice. But let me get one thing straight here – I am not there to say “yes” or “no” to who can and cant jump this object. I was basically conveying the thoughts and wishes of the people that live right next to this object and have to put up with people jumping almost in their back garden. As they keep a horse in this garden and also in the field next to the object then I would have thought some kindness and consideration was forwarded to the people that don’t mind us jumping there during the day. The sound of the canopy freaks the horse out – if the horse is in the stable in the garden then it goes mad and starts fretting and kicking off – if it is in the field it runs around like a mad man and this is worrying the neighbour. All she asked was that she was notified that people are going to jump there. She gave me her number and asked that it not be given out. Now what should I have said to her – “f.uck off this is about freedom and we will jump this when we like, you cant stop us” or “yes I will try to ensure that our activity does not effect your life and starts to annoy you”. What would you have done in this position? You tell me what I should have done……… please, I am genuinely interested in what your response/action would have been.

Why not use you anonymous status and post publicly how you would have handled this situation – you are very quick to flame me for coming forward and posting information to all people under my own name, and yes I had a feeling that some people may have the interpretation of my posting as I was trying to state ownership and the end word on who and who not may jump there, but I still stuck my neck out for a public slaying to hopefully to inform other jumpers that there was an issue there and hopefully ensuring that this site was kept day time and relaxing. Should I not bother next time? Should I keep information on a site to myself and f.uck everyone else? I thought the UK had a reputation for not sharing information and helping each other – sorry for breaking this mould – next time maybe I wont bother…………

March 1st, 2004, 08:35 AM
hey "Get real" what about you get a grib before you flame a person that actualy does alot for the UK BASE sene???

I were at the load were the neighbour contacted us both before and after and here is what i by my poor english got out of that.

1.st meeting she were werry happy to see us,and were happy to say that the horse were at a place were it should be ok,so we didnt upset it.

2.nd meeting she is walking her horse back home,its easy to see that the horse is affraid,and upset. its sweatting alot and is abit whithe around its mouth..She now dont look so happy,and says that what she thourght were ok,wasnt that good any way..´She Gives alot of effort to say that she dont mind us jumping the site,but has to take care of her horse,there fore she ask us to do as Mac described.

I do understand that couple that they dont want evryone to have their # to call evry time they wants to jump.Therefore she simply ask for 1 person to have contact whith.

NOW if you DONT get that,and gets busted out there,while ignoring theese simple rules that allowes jumpers to go there,then im sure you´ll get BUSTET really fucked up by the BASE world,and i will personaly be one of the first to punch you in the face if you becours you think evrypone can do as they want,gets this site burned.}(

I cant see the big problem in calling Mac,telling him to arrenge by the neighbours that you can jump there.If thats too much then...

If i get it wrong then i aploigies and will buy a pint for this post to you,but as i read it then you dont give a ####..;(

BASE 850

March 1st, 2004, 10:38 AM
I think you're feeding a troll again mate. Who calls the wonderful members of Her Majesty's Constabulary 'coppers' anymore? And who cares about the BPA knowing about BASE these days?

>I'll take my anonymous chances

Do what you want with your chances, but what about everyone elses' chances to jump this. If the 'call the locals' rule has any validity it implies some "looking after" of your local sites. Hey Mac, feeding is fun!

If this is what it takes to keep this particular object open then fine. Hope its still open in the summer.


March 1st, 2004, 10:55 AM
Hey Jules!
Troll this may well be! – but it has highlighted a concern I had in that I thought this is probably being thought about me by some people.
At least it gave me a chance to retort to the people thinking this but not speaking aloud about it.

I have never understood the concept of creating trolls…. But hey – I guess it’s a kinda sport!

The neighbours will welcome us with open arms in the summer! (as long as we don’t f.uck em off!)


PS) I prefer "peelers" to "coppers"! :P

March 6th, 2004, 07:34 PM
Silence is golden.

If your the same person that SMS'd me then from what I hear you do your own thing anyway!

Why not take this private out of the public arena?

I am very worried about this site and since your post I was paranoid that I was being an arsehole trying to keep it (as i said before I thought people would think I was "policing") - but after speaking to many jumpers here in the UK they support me! so "get Real" why not front it and have the balls that I had in going public with something I thought would f.cuk people off?

Go ahead and jump it! fill ya boots! I have tried..............
